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The Dimension Of Love (1999)

by Vladimir Megré(Favorite Author)
4.3 of 5 Votes: 4
The Ringing Cedars of Russia
review 1: I enjoyed this book. However I wish more pages were devoted to talking about practical steps you can take to practice Anastasia's vision. Anastasia will often talk about the outcome of her dreams, but never talks about what you can do. Or if she does talk about it, it's very vague or metaphorical. Anastasia said she was different then all these religious leaders who claim to be "the one", but then she said a speech that said something like, "Come to me." And, as in all the books, there are some things that happen that honestly are really hard to imagine. However, I can look past that. I still enjoyed the book, and am looking forward to reading the next one.
review 2: this is book 3. This book was a lot about the importance of Love in the World. Love to our Hea
... morevenly Father and love to family and friends. True love. Talks about become closer to God and the great power and influence he can have on us and the influence for good that we can have. That we all can have more power for good. Also about our attitudes for everything. Do we wake up happy, do we try to be happy and to make others happy. Anastasia just wants Vlamire to love her that part is kind of sad you can see this. less
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Still waiting for the series to get as interesting as the first book...
Simply amazing.
Book 3
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