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United Cakes Of America: Recipes Celebrating Every State (2010)

by Warren Brown(Favorite Author)
3.89 of 5 Votes: 3
1584798394 (ISBN13: 9781584798392)
Stewart, Tabori and Chang
review 1: LOVE this book! I return to it again and again. The caramel cake is fantastic - and without the caramel glaze, it makes for an excellent all-purpose cake. The chocolate chip cake was a big hit as well. Just made the Mississippi Mud cake tonight and it's delicious, but a little messy!Like others, these frosting recipes weren't my favorites, but the cake recipes have all been wonderful. Looking forward to trying the Smith Island cake next!
review 2: I'm just skimming through this book right now but I LOVE cakes and cake cookbooks. The real test will be when I make a few of them.Ok, I finished this one. I haven't baked anything yet so I'll update when I do BUT I'm very optimistic. I'm a cake person and I feel like these recipes will be good. The author obviously k
... morenows his ingredients and gives very good advice throughout the book as well as historical/factual "did you know" tidbits throughout the recipes. less
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lots of interesting recipes, tips, and histories behind state favorites/inspired cakes.
One of my favorite baking cookbooks and always trustworthy for anything last minute.
Awesome cake recipes from all over.
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