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Seven Pleasures: Essays On Ordinary Happiness (2009)

by Willard Spiegelman(Favorite Author)
3.08 of 5 Votes: 3
0374239304 (ISBN13: 9780374239305)
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
review 1: Spiegelman's essays on reading and writing, the beginning and end of the book, are wonderful. The ones in between, while supposedly about personal and accessible topics, became a little more rarified and elite. If you talk about walking and end up focusing on walking in Venice, the rest of us get lost (as he often did in Venice). The seven pleasures were loosely arranged around the idea of happiness, a conceit Spiegelman did not pursue intensely, probably for the best.
review 2: I picked up this book on a whim because I enjoy memoirs and books about happiness. The problem with it is sometimes it is hard to relate to this guy. The whole premise of the book is that he discusses seven simple things that bring him happiness (walking, reading, listening, etc), bu
... moret his examples aren't simple or even recreatable. He talks about the joy in walking and observing people, which is very enjoyable, but the entire section is about him traveling abroad just to walk in another country or traveling to NYC just to view an art show. I know I can't do that! There are some real gems that I think I will put into my everyday life though. less
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Spiegelman may be arrogant in his tone, but he is all-knowing in these essays.
Essays about happiness without usual pychobabble of self-help books.
The swimming essay is great.
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