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Concrete Savior (2000)

by Yvonne Navarro(Favorite Author)
3.66 of 5 Votes: 3
Dark Redemption
review 1: Concrete Savior by Yvonne NavarroUrban Fantasy – May 31st, 20114 starsConcrete Savior is a compelling book that brings up moral questions of right and wrong. This is the second book in the Dark Redemption series concerning the fallen angel, Brynna, but can easily be read by itself.Brynna is a fallen angel who has escaped Hell. Lucifer wants her back and has sent demons to hunt her down. Ever vigilant of these Hunters, Brynna is disturbed by a rash of murders and suspects demon intervention. A string of people have been recently rescued by a mysterious savior, but these victims of near death experiences do not take a new lease on live. They instead kill other humans in fits of rage or insanity. Determined to find this ‘savior’ and prevent him from rescuing more ... morepeople. Brynna enlists the aid of her boyfriend and cop, Eran. They soon discover that this savior is not working alone. Can they protect future innocents from dying before it is too late or will Brynna be a target herself?This was a fast and involving read. All the characters are very sympathetic except the villain. The author definitely brings an edgy, daring plot into this original story. Everyone in this book has human frailties that make their actions never purely black or white. Although I did not agree with all their actions, it was easy for me to empathize and sympathize with their pain and motivations. This novel made me think of what I would do if someone I loved was in trouble. How do you out-weigh one life over another? I also liked how Brynna is becoming more human-like, feeling emotions and starting to really care for her boyfriend, Eran. She has come a long way from seeing humans as 'others' to empathizing and really wanting to help them, and not just for personal redemption. Since Brynna’s ultimate mission is to do ‘good works’ and return to heaven. I just wonder as she grows to care for humanity and gets closer to getting her wings back, how she will have the strength to leave earth and her growing ties here?Highly charged and darkly emotional, this is a book that will make you think even as it sucks you into its pulsing intensity.Reviewed by Steph from the Bookaholics Romance Book Club
review 2: Rating: 3.0 StarsGenre: Urban FantasyConcrete Savior is the second novel in the Dark Redemption series written by Yvonne Navarro. The series features Bryanna Malak, aka Astarte, a fallen angel/demon who escaped from Lucifer’s grasp and started living life as a human in the city of Chicago. She now works as in interpreter because she has the ability to speak any language in the world. Bryanna’s reason for escaping from hell and living as a human is simple; she wants to find a way towards redemption for turning her back on the kingdom of heaven and becoming a demon.This story picks up three weeks after the events of Highborn and finds Bryanna and Detective Eran Redmond living together. Eran has come to realize that there are more things to this world than humans, and he and his dog helped save Bryanna life from a Hell’s Hunter. Eran even claims to be in love with Bryanna and says so.There are several characters that the story follows more closely than Bryanna’s. There’s Georgina (Gina) Whitfield who is a newly married wife to Vance but nobody knows about the wedding because they eloped to Las Vegas. Lance is now missing, and all Gina has to show for his existence is a cold dead finger she keeps in her refrigerator that was sent to her by his kidnapper. Gina can also see the future and knows what is going to happen to a certain subject. Because of this, a Demon targeted Gina to be part of her plan to go after the Nephilim living in Chicago, and thus causing as much damage as possible in fulfilling her goals. That brings us to Casey Anlon. Not only does he not realize that he is a Nephilim, but he also unwittingly gets involved in the Demons scheme because he feels that saving someone’s life is the right thing to do. He believes that Gina has feelings for him, and that she actually works for the government. Unfortunately, those he saves aren’t the nicest people in the world, and they end up doing more harm than good in the end. You have to have some compassion towards Casey. He truly believes what he is doing is a good thing, and his heart is in the right place. Yes, he actually pushes away Bryanna and Eran who try to help and warn him that he is a pawn in a game, but still, he really isn’t totally to blame for what ultimately happens.The villain of the story is a nasty piece of work called Jashire. She and Bryanna once had a relationship. Of course, that was six or seven hundred years ago when Bryanna was also Lucifer’s lover and so called Queen of Hell. Jashire has determined that she is going to get her bones (Nephilim deaths) any way possible to please Lucifer and move up the ladder and not fail like Lahash did in Highborn. Jashire is known as a searcher. A searcher is assigned to trick a Nephilim out of his or her unaccomplished goal in life. We definitely have not seen the last of Jashire, or Lahash.This story is a bit disappointment for me. I was hoping for something better than the first book which I found lacking in some regards. I guess you can say I am really, really picky when it comes to expectations and what I like and dislike in a series. I would have preferred to see more of Bryanna, but Navarro, instead, choose to make this a choice between good and evil and how a person’s choices can have a profound impact on others.When Bryanna actually DOES have a storyline, it is either to stop a massive bomb from going off in the middle of Chicago, or fighting Jashire and stopping Casey from doing something really stupid like jumping off a building. Then, there’s the whole Charlie being Eran’s brother. I mean, really was that truly necessary to have him in this story? What was the point other than Bryanna has an effect on men that they can’t stay away from her and pine for her at the expense of their own families? Can’t say I can give any positive feedback on that part.I understand that there plans for more books in the series, but as of today, they haven't been picked up. Here’s hoping that they do, and they're better than the first two.3. Jericho Girls (TBA) **Books 3 and 4 not picked up yet**4. Outcast (TBA) less
Reviews (see all)
I love this series. Gritty, kick a** heroine and a yummy hero. What's not to love?
Very action packed and a fun read. I can't wait for the next book to come out.
It could have been great, but overall it was boring.
hmmm.... more characters to look for :)
More pllease
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