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கொலையுதிர் காலம் [Kolaiyuthir Kaalam] (2000)

by சுஜாதா [Sujatha](Favorite Author)
4.05 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Ganesh, a famous lawyer in Chennai and his junior, Vasanth, visits their client Leena viyasan's farm. Leena's uncle, Kumara viyasan, tells them that two years back a ghost possessed Leena and she killed a boy by drinking his blood. But Leena, 18 and innocent is about to become the heir of 10 million worth farm. Ganesh and Vasanth sees the ghost which appears to resemble leena. The next day they find a dead body in the farm. The dead body disappears from the police custody. The mystery is solved by the lawyers by debating science and supernatural theory.
review 2: This book was awesome...Actually to certain unpredictable things,we can give explanation in two ways 1. one from historical scriptures 2. from logical thinking deriving the possible solution whers scie
... morence helps . For example, If u speak about, the world gonna get demolished in 2012 people speak about, 1. Some people say as per old scriptures given in bible or mayans calendar, 2. In another way people give out rational ideas y it should happ. This was clearly told in this book dealing with apparition. It was a very good thriller and I wud say pls dont read this book when u r alone.. lol... less
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Interesting read. Few unanswered questions. Wish they had made a movie out of it.
this is my favorite book....i have read it more than 4 times....
The best thriller that I have ever read.
Page turner !
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