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Le Premier Hérétique (2000)

by Aaron Dembski-Bowden(Favorite Author)
4.21 of 5 Votes: 1
The Horus Heresy
review 1: The book that helps to understand the heresy. I thought the first heretic was a great telling of the legion and the events leading up to the war. I feel like they could have divided this novel in to two parts, as events jumped forward quite a bit throughout the novel. Argel Tal was a great character, but I felt like there wasn't a whole lot of indecision involved in the major parts of the plot. I also wish that Lorgar had been more involved throughout. Overall a good horus heresy novel that explains a lot of the backstory and keeps you engaged throughout.
review 2: Yet another outstanding entry in the multi-dimensional, multi-era Horus Heresy series as this one deals with the origins of the betrayal of Lorgar and the Word Bearers legion. Much as Horus was lured
... more by Chaos, Lorgar is basically dressed down by the Emperor in front of a fellow primarch, Guilliman of the Ultramarines, for too much worship and not enough conquest in The Great Crusade. This leads him to reject the Emperor and set out on a pilgrimage of finding the truth through utter destruction of compliant worlds, which ultimately lead him to the edge of the galaxy and a date with Chaos as well. Fast forward forty years and the Word Bearers find themselves part of the seven traitorous legions with Horus on Isstvan V where they basically declare galactic war against the Imperium. Memorable scenes involving subordinates of Lorgar where Chaos has basically taken control ensue during the battle, spoilers notwithstanding, soldiers undergoing "shape-changing". Once again, Erebus seems to be behind the scenes instrumenting yet another conversion of Imperium personnel to Chaos. The Heresy series continues to crank out memorable stories with fascinating characters. less
Reviews (see all)
Love this book! The story of the Primarchs being scattered across the universe was super cool.
The series has finally moved on from "here is the x, legion and here is how they came to be".
this was probably the best book of the series
One of the best Heresy books to date.
One of the best so far
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