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Bring Me Home (2014)

by Alan Titchmarsh(Favorite Author)
3.49 of 5 Votes: 2
0340936916 (ISBN13: 9780340936917)
Hodder & Stoughton
review 1: I am a huge fan of Alan Titchmarsh but whilst this book has his usual easy to read and comforting style the story never really starts. Even by his standards this is gentle in the extreme and continues the theme set up in Love and Dr Devon of suggesting things happening rather than things actually happening. It would have been more enjoyable if he had explored some of the ideas more fully or removed them and left it as a story of a family on the highlands.
review 2: It's taken me a while to get time to read this because I love Alan and I knew once I got started I'd have to finish quickly. I was disappointed with folly so with fingers crossed started bring me home and it didn't let me down. Transported to Scotland with defined characters the story intertwines wi
... moreth an expert hand. Highly recommend this as a mystery with great twists throughout , well done Alan superb. less
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I received this book in a goodreads giveaway and really enjoyed it, I kept wanting to read more!
never disappointed with Alan Titchmarsh books. Looking forward to the next one
Another great novel from Mr Titchmarsh. A long time coming but worth it.
Like others pleasantly surprised - an enjoyable read.
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