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The Tao Of Dating: The Smart Woman's Guide To Being Absolutely Irresistible (2000)

by Ali Binazir(Favorite Author)
4 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: I purchased this book July 2012, after re-entering the single scene and needing some dating pointers. This book turned out to be so much more than just dating "pointers"In the very first chapter Dr. Binazir points out "Deep down, women seek relationships not because they want a particular guy, but rather because they want the feelings that a good relationship brings them." The chapter then becomes about loving yourself fully, focusing on all the great things you already have going on in your life and teaches you the habits to implement be successful with anything in life. In chapter two (2) Dr. A guides you through discovering or analyzing "who you really are" and gives you different techniques from meditation to yoga to help you along. Notice the theme? This book is reall... morey about you, not about dating! I mean yes, he does eventually get to the dating part, but by the time you get to it you are so empowered, feeling sexy, grateful and loving towards yourself, the dating stuff is just icing.This book has helped me change how I view and treat myself as well as the ones I love. Dr A. writes in a very relaxed, easy to understand way that makes it feel as if you are speaking to someone you already know. He doesn't have you make drastic sudden changes at once, however one step or chapter at a time he has you try new things and by the end of the book you are like: Wow, how can something so simple be so life changing?I read so many books, I forget who said what. Not the case with this book, my friends and I are always making references to it, but most important, any time I have had a question, I have emailed Dr. A and guess what? He has responded, not brushing me off, but an actual detailed email with his thoughts on the matter. Most times the question has not been about the book but about life in general. His blog is outstanding, I follow it religiously.Since reading this book, I meditate more, am more faithful to yoga or working out, I engage in more "feel good" activities, I feel even better about myself (I always have, more so now) and most importantly I'm always seeking to do what makes me feel good and happy. This was an amazing purchase.
review 2: I dislike self-help books. I find them indulgent and a bit ridiculous. I also feel like I don't need them. However, I picked this one up and read it cover to cover in about 3 nights.It is easy to read, appeals on a number of levels, both simple and straightforward all the way to the more spiritual and meditative levels...nd is also practical. There are bits and pieces that everyone, at any level, can take from this book. I expect there are dog-eared/highlighated copies all over the world of this. The author really seems to care about about the happiness of others, and it comes out in his writing.I liked this book. I admit to liking a self-help book. And I also admit that i'm not perfect and absolutely need help in more areas than I want to delve into... but this was a great start at tweaking the way I view myself. And changing myself will allow the rest of my world to change...I've already be consciously putting some of his "exercises" to work in my day-to-day life...and while it is too soon to say, I WILL say that my attitude has improved, my stress level has decreased and he is right about a lot of things!Do yourself a favor and read this book. It's really worth your time! less
Reviews (see all)
Really nice insight! This is unlike other dating self-help books in a good way.
More of a self-help book than just a book on dating.
The Men's edition wasn't on Kindle.
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