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A Circle Of Wives (2014)

by Alice LaPlante(Favorite Author)
3.33 of 5 Votes: 3
0802122345 (ISBN13: 9780802122346)
Atlantic Monthly Press
review 1: Deeply unsatisfying ending. The victim, who is supposed to be so magnetic that he draws in every woman he encounters, is so thinly drawn you spend a good bit of time wondering what all the fuss is about. And yet, I couldn't put it down- the other characters are fascinating and the plot is so quick-moving that you just have to go with it. Just don't be near any sharp objects at the end because you'll be so frustrated that you'll need to throw something.
review 2: Alice LaPlant's Turn of Mind was a tour de force, garnering her many fans. This, however, is definitely a sophomore effort. The style is punchy, the tale unspooling through four narrators -- the three wives and a young woman detective assigned to the case. The problem lies in the fact that there is n
... moreothing in the first person narrations that differentiates the four women clearly to make them individualistic enough. Also there had to be so much a suspension of belief in order to buy into the premise of a man being able to live a life filled with such secrets. There are simply not enough hours in the day to accomplish what he was supposed to have done, and there has to be some rooting in reality for it to work. This has been praised as more of a novel of motivations and discovery, not so much a whodunnit. Although I was disappointed in this book, I will read her next book since I think she's got a lot to offer, just didn't deliver this time around. less
Reviews (see all)
A good book with great characters. The author does a great job examining marriage and love.
Couldn't put it down. Alice sucks you right into the story.
And the point was.....
A fun wknd read.
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