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Capitol Hell (2012)

by Alicia M. Long(Favorite Author)
3.22 of 5 Votes: 5
159298536X (ISBN13: 9781592985364)
Beaver's Pond Press
review 1: If you have spent any time in Washington, DC, or Capitol Hill, or interested in political insights - you will really want to read this book. It will keep your attention from beginning to end. It has some humor - some so close to realistic it made me giggle.The authors of this book obviously had insider information - it was interesting and informative as well as entertaining. I am sure Allison's office mates are similar to office mates everywhere - you may relate to some of them.There were some unanswered questions left at the end. Does that lead us to a sequel?More reviews at Ope's Opinions.com
review 2: I am always a little dubious about starting a new “chick-lit” book; it isn't my first choice genre however, after reading psychological thrillers cree
... morepy enough to have me checking under my bed at night I often feel the need to lighten the mood and Capitol Hell sounded like just what I needed. Capitol Hell was laugh out loud funny as well as being interesting, engaging and insightful; it was clear that the personal experiences of the authors added credibility and authenticity to the story.I really enjoyed experiencing life as Allison, there were points in the story I found myself a little confused or dazed by what was going on but, quickly realised that I didn't have all the facts, because Allison didn't either. As the book progressed the characters really came to life and I found myself taking breaks so I could update my husband on the latest antics or to complain about some unjustified office bitching. I felt horribly frustrated and a little cheated when the book finished; I so wanted to know what happened during the presidential campaign, find out what craziness Karma pulled out the bag and whether Allison and Cam’s relationship developed further. I guess I will just have to wait for the sequel! less
Reviews (see all)
Very funny!! I couldn't put the book down! I loved it and laughed out loud many times!!
Meh. Not very well written and full of silliness.
I wanted a quick, easy read. This book is that.
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