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La Princesa Rosada Manda En La Escuela (2000)

by Alyssa Crowne(Favorite Author)
4.17 of 5 Votes: 5
Perfectly Princess
review 1: When Juliet wants to make the rules, as a princess, at the lunch table for girls, it doesn`t work so well. Juliet`s teacher thinks that her crown is a 'costume', and that`s one thing that Juliet really doesn`t like! There`s no real person that tries to stop her, except Billy, on the first day she wears the crown. But Juliet demands that everyone wear pink, have pink food, and do lots of things PINK! For awhile, she doesn`t even want the boys to come to her birthday party, like she did the year before. And her best friend, Olivia, breaks the 'Pink Wearing' rule, and Juliet does not want to talk to her for the rest of the bus ride. On the way home, Juliet tells Olivia she is sorry, decides the boys should come to her party, and they have a great time! I think this taught a... more lesson in friendship. You can`t always make sure people do what you want, that`s just not fair.
review 2: The book was great. Me and my daughter love to read this book together at least 2 to 3 times a week. I'm in 12th grade and my boyfriend loves to see our daughter smile. So he bought it for her when she picked it up and started flipping through the pages.since we've stared reading this book she has started talking more and now loves the color PINK. i think this is a great book for moms and daughters too read together for bonding time together. less
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This was a cute story I read with my daughter.
i love this
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