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Dolende Geesten (2011)

by Amanda Stevens(Favorite Author)
3.5 of 5 Votes: 2
Harlequin Holland
review 1: Novella length story, which is supposed to be a sort of prequel to The Restorer.I have to admit to being disappointed in this after reading books 1 to 3.The author chose two new characters and then connected them on the periphery with the old ones. It was rushed, lack the lustre and finesse of the other books and also seem inconsistent in parts.Where did Ree read about what had been done to Ilsa and who was involved? The answer is she didn't. One minute we are reading records that contain hardly any info at all and the next Ree is giving a detailed account of what happened.This has the general feel of 'needed to get something out quickly' and it doesn't matter what.It doesn't do the series any justice at all.It is suitable for a fun quick read and a bit of info on the Gra... moreveyard Queen.
review 2: Setting: deliciously, devilishly appropriateCharacter Development: spotty. We don't always know a character's backstory or motivations, and there's not enough there to make up our own minds. Some of the secondary characters deserved (or needed) greater prominence.Pacing: this book crawled through 75% of the story, then suddenly sprinted toward the finish. It was short, but I can't tell whether it was too short or not short enough. There were some strange twists that made no sense whatsoever to me.Overall impression: it was good, but not good enough for me. Of course, this book fell outside my usual genre, so that may colour my perspective. It's one of those books you can read on a long subway commute. The overwhelming fear was the best part of the whole book - i understood why Ree was afraid and could relate to her distress (though not always to her choices).Will I continue with the series? Yes, but not for a while. Too many other books calling my name! less
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I didn't like this one as much as I liked the other books in the series.
After reading this book, I couldn't wait to read the series! Great read!
This book was a slow read for me.
Quick read.
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