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Nawiedzone Miasteczko Shadow Hills (2011)

by Anastasia Hopcus(Favorite Author)
3.7 of 5 Votes: 1
Nasza Księgarnia
Shadow Hills
review 1: J’ai lu ce livre parce que presque toute la blogo l’a lu donc je voulais me faire mon avis sur lui moi aussi. C’est un livre très sympa à lire même si comme certains membres de la blogo le disent il est un peu un copier-coller d’autres livres. Et c’est vrai, l’histoire ressemble à pas mal de livres. Il est tout de même agréable à lire. Je veux dire par là qu’il ressemble à pas mal de livre, il est un genre de mélange entre la saga Night School de C. J. Daugherty, la saga Hex Hall de Rachel Hawkins et aussi un peu de la saga Nés à Minuit de C. C. Hunter.La couverture du livre est très belle dans ses tons gris. En voyant la couverture on sent tout de suite qu’il y a une histoire d’esprits ou de vampires ou un truc dans le genre.Le personnage pr... moreincipale Phé ou Perséphone est quelqu’un d’assez agréable même si elle n’est pas très passionnante comme d’autres personnages. L’histoire qui tourne autour d’elle est très intéressante. Le personnage de Zach est aussi assez sympa mais bon il n’est pas du genre GENIAL ni même du genre combattant (comme par exemple Carter West dans la saga Night School de C. J. Daugherty ou encore Ash de la saga Les royaumes invisibles de Julie Kagawa).L’écriture de l’auteure est très belle et très simple à lire. J4ai adoré la façon dont elle amène l’histoire même si à mon gout le récit n’est pas assez détaillé mais bon ce n’est que mon avis.Le moment que j’ai préféré reste lorsque Phé est en ville avec Zach et qu’ils vont chez le grand-père de Zach, j’ai trouvé cette scène très belle.Je vous conseille ce livre, il n’y a pas beaucoup de pages et il est très facile à lire. Donc si vous cherchez une bonne lecture pour passer le temps alors choisissez ce livre.
review 2: My first review yaay :)Ok, so I couldn't finish to read the book, I honestly couldn't bring myself to do it ( I read almost the whole book, I only had a few pages left). First of all: the Phersephone is stupid, I won't say that she is copletely dumb, but she isnt very smart. Second: The love between Phe and Zach doesn't touch me at all, it is not convincing, they don't even know each other and they are saying "I love you" (I'm not saying that every story that has love at first glance sucks, what I'm saying is that the author didn't work it very well). Third: The story has many flaws. It was too superficial, the emotions weren't deep enough, she lost a sister and it didnt move me at all (and I'm not heartless, I've cried reading many times, my mom may even think I'm crazy because of that haha). The author just didn't build it believeble enough. Another poit is, even if you are investigating something, you need caution on doing things, you can't just open any door without thinking in the consequences, without having a plan! I mean, if you she got caught (as she was when she was opening a secret room in the library) goodbye investigation, goodbye school, goodbye Zach. But that wouldn't happen because EVERYTHING IS TOO EASY! there is no complication in this story, everything goes smooth, I mean, all the doors are open for her, i think that in that town thare is no such a thing as a lock, she goes wherever she wants whenever she wants. I mean this town has a SECRET, and a school campus full of students that shouldn't know about it, but hey, lets leave the key of a SECRET ROOM, full of SECRET INFORMATION in a public space (ok, the key was inside a box with a code, but still, the code was too easy and the box still shouldn't stay in the open where anyone can see, I mean, it is a school full of teenagers who likes to play pranks!). Another thing, Zach tells her the secret about the town (after a few days of him knowing her), breaking the rules, what coud have resulted in his banishment, he tells his sister, untill there no complain but that he told Phe his secret. But after that everyone acts like they know she knows, Broody just talks about it with her with no restrains. If the council knew Zach told her, he would get punished so I don't think he would go telling everyone that he broke the rules, I mean, they can READ MINDS! Oh, another point that i almost forgot, it is not so important but i think it is a little odd: it was supposed to be a scientific fiction, the powes they have are a mutation, it is evolution, but then, in the middle of it...there is a goddess. It could have worked, but I think how they put it was just weird. That is all for now, thank you for reading.PS: This is just my opinion, each one of us has one, if you liked it, good for you :)PPS: Sorry fr the misspelling, english is not my first language, and how do I add pictures to my comments? less
Reviews (see all)
This book is genious its sensible supernatural. I worship this book and await for the second book.
This book is peculiar but very interesting. Great characters. Great plot. Good ending
This author writes very well!
its ok
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