The Salt Line

I’m a fan of dystopian novels. I’m not sure what it is that attracts me to them, but the idea of a survivalist world is fascinating to me (not that I have a single skill that would benefit me should I ever find myself trying to survive in such a world!), so when I opened my Shelf Subscription from The Bookshelf, I may have squealed just a little bit!

Let me start by saying: I liked this book and I am glad I read it, but it wasn’t what I was expecting and I feel like the dust cover is misleading. I thought it was going to be similar to The Hunger Games – a plot-driven novel full of survival and grit. It wasn’t. And, in fact, it wasn’t even the ticks the characters had to worry about – it was other humans. What?? Anyway, I liked the strong female characters; however, I thought they needed to be more fully developed. I guess that’s what I’d say about the whole book: it has a good premise and TONS of potential, but it’s just not developed well enough; therefore, it fell very flat and left me wanting so much more. I’d l o v e to have some discussions about this one if you’ve read it, so please leave me some comments!!









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