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Notti Bianche (2010)

by André Aciman(Favorite Author)
3.15 of 5 Votes: 1
8860885779 (ISBN13: 9788860885777)
review 1: If you love music and sympathize with introspective and intelligent characters who think as much as they act, this book is a gem. I've read critiques that find the characters unrealistic -- too elitist, too thinky, imbuing all sorts of moments with too much significance. All I can say is these reviewers are not Aciman's people. But make no mistake -- Aciman is writing about *certain* real people and he is writing them brilliantly. There is some stunning prose in this book and I saw every single location taking shape, felt the heat of every fire, the snow on my eyelashes, was right there in the car for the drives along the Hudson... Bravo, Mr. Aciman.
review 2: A clever tale of a perverse little relationship that literally lasts through a snowy week. It’s a
... more New York novel through and through, not only in terms of place, but also in terms of the characters’ neuroses. The male narrator is so frustratingly weak and obsessed, you want to hit him, and it is this that makes the novel so extraordinary. Without Aciman’s excellent writing, both sentences and structure, I can’t imagine it working. less
Reviews (see all)
I'm having a hard time with this one...I'll give it another try in a month or so.
50 pages in and I thought, "Why am I wasting time reading this drivel?"
Not my cup of tea. Too much big language and not much going on.
Vond deze maar niks... Nogal langdradig...
Got bored about half way through.
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