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Their Last Suppers: Legends Of History And Their Final Meals (2010)

by Andrew Caldwell(Favorite Author)
3.07 of 5 Votes: 3
0740797832 (ISBN13: 9780740797835)
Andrews McMeel Publishing
review 1: This book described some of the last suppers of famous people. Some of the legends were Marilyn Monroe, Martin Luther King Jr., Hitler, Napoleon, Elvis and many others. With each person they briefly described their accomplishedments. They also included some interesting facts about each person. Then Andrew Caldwell intricately describes their final meal. Unlike most books it didn't have a storyline but each chapter was like an individual story. At the end of each chapter the author wrote out the last meal that each person had.My reaction to the book was one of suprise. It was a enjoyable book to read. I learned so many things about these people who made history. Many of the famous people back in the Medieval times had extremely fancy and long meals. Alexander the Great, Jul... moreius Caesar and Cleopatra had at least 4 or 5 dishes for their meal. I would recommend this book for people who enjoy reading about history. I really like history so this book definitely appealed to me. It provides more about the people than what we read in the textbooks. If you also like food then this book would be appealing to you also.
review 2: I was surprised to find that it was a historical cookbook. It gives a historical sketch of several historical characters, their favorite foods, their last meals, and ....recipes for how to duplicate those last meals. I don't know what I was expecting, but the book was free for Kindle and I gave it a shot. I skimmed the history, and skipped the recipes, which made it about a 30 minute read. It wasn't bad, just....not my thing. Rated G less
Reviews (see all)
Interesting mix of history and recipes. Not recipes easily used but fun to read.
Amazing book, and love the recipes and tips for grilling.
Back of the napkin history lessons with mediocre recipes.
Book was a surprisingly fun, fascinating and easy read.
Not what I expected, but neat!
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