Band of Sister’s by Cathy Gohlke

Band of Sisters, but Cathy Gohlke takes place in 1910 in New York City. When their mother dies, Maureen O’Reilly’s aunt makes Maureen and her sister Katie Rose leave Ireland to travel to Ellis Island. Their father has a friend that sent a letter and money years ago for him to move there. Katie Rose is ill when they reach the USA and is hospitalized. Maureen goes to her father’s friends home to find out he has past away and his family is not honoring his debt. Maureen accepts money from a man and uses that to set up an apartment for them. She gives false recommendations to obtain a job at a local department store. Maureen quickly realizes the department store is a front for a totally different type of business.

Women began disappearing from the store and Maureen eventually tells others. She works together with a man who also traveled from Ireland and his employer to try to find the women.

This is a great adventure to read. I really enjoyed the suspense that is written in the story. I wanted to just keep reading this story to see what was going to happen next. The parts in the story that really stand out for me are what it was like for immigrants who arrived in the United States and how the women from church got together to try to help the women immigrants.

I feel anyone who enjoys reading historical fiction based on immigration will really enjoy this story.

422 pages

ISBN: 9781414353081

Publisher: Tyndale House

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