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Pieces Of Truth (2013)

by Angela Richardson(Favorite Author)
4.14 of 5 Votes: 1
Angela Richardson
Pieces of Lies
review 1: I discovered Pieces of lies here on goodreads. Someone posted (it may have been Angela Richardson herself) that it was free for a limited time. Who can pass up free right? I put off reading it due to a large amount of titles I already had. When I did open it...I couldn't put it down! The twists are so unpredictable. The characters are deep. Both of these books are refreshing in that they are different than most titles out today. They are well written and full of passion and drama. I will keep my eye out for more from Ms. Richardson.
review 2: Loved IT!!! Couldnt put it down until I was done. So much information was given from present to past and it helped the story so much more. Many twists in this story to keep you guessing what Norah was going to do. I al
... moremost felt sorry for her at one point thinking is she ever going to get the truth. of course there are people who surprise you and it just makes the book even more exciting. I just loved it and almost wished there was a third one but then I wouldn't want to wait to see what the ending would be. Unless there is another book coming and I haven't heard yet. Read Pieces of Lies first though before you read this one. less
Reviews (see all)
Wow , this book is full of drama. I can't wait for the final release, All the Pieces, next month
Wow didn't see that coming, I feel bad for Norah all the men she loves keep hurting her.
Hot and sexy filled with drama. Wow
Free on Amazon today 01-25-14
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