Books: 7 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.62
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Anna Elliott

3.67 of 5 Votes: 2
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Books by Anna Elliott
Demon Hunter and Baby (2012)
3.62 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: This is a 3.5 stars. The cover looks very cheesy and I didn't have very high expectations for this book and was only after a quick and easy read but I found this book very enjoyable. Ash is a great strong MC and the action was fast paced and the story had an interesting premise...
Susanna and the Spy (2011)
3.33 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: I don't know how to rank this since I don't read a lot of romance. It has a nice mystery, although since it's a fairly linear story, I knew the whodunit early on. It's farfetched in the extreme in a few places, but this isn't read for believability. It's the characters and the...
Georgiana Darcy's Diary: Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice Continued (2011)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: 3/ 5After reading Jane Austen 's Pride and Prejudice and considering that this is a follow up story and as I wanted more of P&P I started reading Miss Darcy's diary.. Georgians Darcy's dairy is a pleasant read. Of course you can't compare the author with Jane Austen that would b...
Pemberley to Waterloo (2011)
3.83 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: I enjoyed Anna Elliott's Georgiana Darcy's diary. It was among the first books I downloaded on kindle. It was a fun look into the world of Jane Austen.We look further into the lives of the other characters of Pride and Prejudice. Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam Darcy are happy toget...
Twilight of Avalon (2009)
3.79 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: This is a very interesting take on the whole story of Isolde and Trystan - I love how the author meshed in the legends of King Author also. Very well done and I could barely put this book down. I'm thankful that the library had all the trilogy when I discovered this series. ...
Dawn of Avalon (2000)
3.16 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: I have read Anna Elliott's Avalon trilogy and I loved it, therefore I was intrigued to read this prequel. It is told from the point of view of Isolde's grandmother Morgan, who was the distant voice from the past and acted as the narrator all through the trilogy. However in this s...
Kitty Bennet's Diary (2013)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Kitty is now keeping a Diary. She's living with her Aunt & Uncle in Cheapside while trying to bring out the best in her sister Mary. Having abandoned all desire to follow romance she has become the great stay & support of those around. She feels unworthy of love, she failed to lo...
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