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A Bit Of Me (2011)

by Bailey Bradford(Favorite Author)
3.86 of 5 Votes: 4
0857158058 (ISBN13: 9780857158055)
Love in Xxchange
review 1: I didn't particularly like Chase slowly turning from a hard-ass to a blubbering emotional twink but, apart from that, I enjoyed this story a lot. The main character's pasts could've been more comprehensive and talked about but it wasn't much of a point of contention. It worked okay even if not perfectly and it didn't make me lose my enjoyment at all. I did expect more of James though because he was such a good part of Chase's life and was a little disappointed we learned so little about them as best friends. Also the romance developed way too quickly. It started normally slow but then went way too fast.
review 2: I love this series, have everything that I look for, however, this time around the sex scenes were too much. Once these two characters got together it
... more felt like they discovered they have a penises for the first time and could not stopped having sex, mind you, I'm the first one to enjoy reading sex scenes between two gorgeous specimens, but even I think this was way too much.The book is too long and it really didn’t need to be. less
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Loved Xavier and Chase's story. The Love in Xxchange series are a great read.
Sex to plot ratio was skewed a bit heavy towards the sex in this one.
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