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Wesley (2013)

by Bailey Bradford(Favorite Author)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 5
1781842264 (ISBN13: 9781781842263)
Total E-Bound
Leopard's Spots
review 1: I was really looking forward to Mando's story and I have to admit I'm quite disappointed. Wesley is actually sully'S Brother who we met briefly in the previous book. And I liked that we were able to get to know him better and see his mate. However I'm not sure that Mando and Wesley are a good mate pair. They both are recovering or healing from problems in their past but I think they would be better suited to someone who could ground them instead of them being mated to someone in the exact same position they are. I think with Wesley and his addictions and Mando and his post rape PTSD is too much for one book. Had yet been given separate books with separate mates we could gave focused on them better. Unfortunately the story itself dragged quite a bit. The was a bkgd story... more involving a conversion therapy camp that I also feel was unnecessary. Like why can't we just focus on the couple? And if any bkgd stuff is included it is complimentary to the mated couple and their plot. Overall this book and this mated couple was a miss for the series.
review 2: This is a great series by a great author. I read this and the Southwestern Shifters series' and they are some of my favorite shifter stories. I am never disappointedI was so happy we got to read about Armando and he found happiness again. That was part of SULLIVAN I was always sad about I am also happy his and Sully/Bobby's issue wasn't center stage it was about them and that was secondary.Overall definitely recommend but you have to at least read SULLIVAN for this to make sense but I recommend the entire series :) less
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i didn't like this one.. too much resistance..
It was great.
3.5 stars
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