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Fluent In 3 Months: How Anyone At Any Age Can Learn To Speak Any Language From Anywhere In The World (2014)

by Benny Lewis(Favorite Author)
3.79 of 5 Votes: 5
0062282697 (ISBN13: 9780062282699)
review 1: Strategically, this book lays out a pertinent and helpful plan for language acquisition with sound reasoning which highlights why varying tactics should be adopted at different stages of learning a language. I feel that the emphasis on speaking and listening - the cornerstones of conversation - followed later by grammatical excursions through reading and writing highlight a process which has not been promoted enough in any other material I have come across. With the insights I have gained from this first reading, I am confident that my language learning adventure is just beginning and will never stop. Here I come Chinese :D
review 2: This book is an excellent resource for someone looking to learn a language, particularly for the first time or getting to mastery
... more for the first time. Benny has some excellent ideas in each category of language learning that are an invaluable resource, happily accompanied by his extensive website and blog. There are some of his techniques that I don't care for myself, but only because everyone is a different type of learner and some of my needs are different from his. He encourages the reader to not only use the resources he provides on his website, but also the resources of countless other polyglots and language learners, which means his site is simply a great stepping-off point. This book is also a quick read, so the reader can learn lots of tricks without being bogged down by too much information or heavy wording. I definitely recommend it. less
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Great and realistic tips and methods for learning a language fast.
There are some great tips in here. Worth the read.
A lot of sound advice. Very inspiring.
common sense...
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