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Henrietta The Dragon Slayer (a Young Adult Epic Fantasy Adventure) (2011)

by Beth Barany(Favorite Author)
3.94 of 5 Votes: 1
Smashwords Edition
The Five Kingdoms
review 1: Imagine you're getting drunk in a tavern one night, trying to run from your past while earning your keep by spinning tales. About your past. A bard is there, and he specializes in telling stories of you, so he's kind of pumped. I mean, you're basically his hero. But there's also a knight, and he thinks you're a jerk. Oh, and he needs your help, so he won't leave you alone.And that's before you meet the witch girl ... Okay, so I love dragons, and myths about dragons. Don't even get me started on my love of phoenixes. Really, I'd love nothing more than to give this book eleventy billion stars. But ...Well ...Listen, the thing is, I spent the entire book feeling like I was missing something. The story was good, don't get me wrong. I'm definitely going to pick up the next vol... moreume, and hopefully it'll have that spark.
review 2: Although I am not a big fantasy fan I did enjoy reading this book. I loved that Barany wrote Henrietta as a strong, independent, and no taking crap from anybody type of person. Anytime I read reviews or synopsis of a strong lead heroine it automatically has won me over. This story is about adventure and friendship. Henrietta is on a quest to save her mentor that has fallen ill. Even though she never thought that she would go back she felt compelled to go and save him. Although she prefers to travel alone she has three other companions that are with her. There is Framc the Knight. He is one of the first characters that is introduced at the beginning of the book. He was sent to get Henrietta for his king's wishes and he isn't taking no for an answer. At first I didn't like this character because he was very sarcastic and talked a lot of smack to Henrietta about "women can't do what men can do" kind of things. As the story went on I did enjoy reading about him.Jaxter the jester is probably my favorite character since we got introduced to him. I think if he were real we would be best friends.I know there would never be a boring moment! He keeps the group together. Basically he is the glue for them. He has a gift of story telling and he loves food! I love a guy that can cook :) And finally we have Paulette who is a witch in training. She kind of reminded me of the person that you would want to be around if you were having a bad day. It just cools you down This was a good and quick read.I read it in one sitting! Although I did feel that it was slow especially at the beginning while they were on their adventure. There were times it was getting boring but I have a rule that once I start a book I finish it so I kept on reading and I'm glad that I did. Rating 3.5 starsWould I recommend it? Yes less
Reviews (see all)
I really enjoyed this book. But i was expecting more but it was still a good read.
I absolutely loved this book! I wrote it! The sequel is on its way!
Very interesting! Longer review TK
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