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Jessica's Guide To Dating On The Dark Side (2009)

by Beth Fantaskey(Favorite Author)
3.86 of 5 Votes: 2
0152063846 (ISBN13: 9780152063849)
review 1: What would you do if a foreign exchange student shows up on your doorstep proclaiming that you are his bride to be? Personally, I wouldn't mind. Lucius is handsome, smart, and mysterious. Sure, he's a little eccentric, old-fashioned, and arrogant but hey, no one's perfect. But for down-to-Earth Jessica she'd rather muck out barn stalls than suffer through a day with Lucius... well, at first anyway. Needless to say Jessica learned to love Lucius. And who wouldn't? He happens to be a powerful vampire king. Well, I liked the book. It's funny, romantic, and unique. I especially liked Lucius letters and his biting wit. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone willing to give it a try.
review 2: 2.5 starsI was having a shitty night and I said I wanted a godda
... moremn cheesy paranormal melodrama romance and that's what I got, so I can't really complain. This book hit the spot I wanted it to. And to be honest, I was a little bit impressed that it wasn't as rife with girl-on-girl hate and slut shaming as other vampire pnrs that were written around the same time as this book are. I mean, it's still there, but not nearly as much as I expected it to be. But oh yeah, the ending was still pretty ridiculous. But now I want the sequel. So who's the real ridiculous one here? Hint: It was me the whole time. Like, when Lucius started going on about how intimate and sensual blood-sharing between two vampires was I may or may not have fist pumped. Blood sharing is the most precious gem a vampire romance can offer me okay. There better be more of it in the sequel. less
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Lucius's words made cry!!! He is so niceeeeeeee......i love him...
I loved this book it drew me in and captured my heart
Hiarious and adorable!
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