Monthly reading review – August 2017

Monthly reading review – August 2017 This August I have read:

La Dame aux Camélias by Alexandre Dumas fils, ★★★★

A Wrinkle in Time (A Wrinkle in Time Quintet, #1) by Madeleine L’Engle ★

Queen of Dragons (Drakon #3) by Shana Abe ★★★★

The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett ★★★★

1. How many books you’ve read last month? Are you happy with the amount you read?

After months of struggling and not reading this August I finally started working on getting my reading mojo back. This happened in the second part of August and four books in two weeks is not so bad.

2. What was the best of all the books you’ve read in August? Any scenes or characters that made a lasting impression?

The most enjoyable book I’ve read this August has to be Queen of Dragons. It made me remember why I love reading fantastic stories. The main character is a shapeshifter dragon and I loved reading about them.

3. Were there any not so good books for you last month? What made it hard or not enjoyable to read?

In the last year or so I have more one star books than the few year before combined. This time the book that made me grade it one star was A Wrinkle in Time. I found the parts of it annoying and I tend to rate the books on the reading experience and general impression. The fact that it was book club assignment did not help either since I get more easily annoyed with the books I did not pick for myself.

4. How did the books you were reading last month fit in your reading plans if you had any?

Since the start of this year my reading was down and I kinda stopped making plans but set some goals instead. My goal in this case was just to enjoy reading more. I managed to do that and I think i’m on the right track again.

5. Any updates on the series you are reading or are you starting any new series?

Drakon series was one I started reading quite a few years back. I’m glad I picked it up again. A Wrinkle in Time I was curious about but never really felt like getting to actually read the book. I will not continue it anytime soon.

6. Would you like to recommend any books or authors you’ve been reading this last month?

The Uncommon Reader book was a nice surprise. The impact of reading was shown in a very simple way. I loved that it was a grown up person discovering the love and mania of reading. It made me connect more easily with the book. I’m interested in watching it as a play. I would recommend it for every reader as a reminder on what a reading can do.

Final thoughts on August reading

Second part of the month of August I got interested in reading again. I’m looking forward to new books. Some steps in the right direction have been made. I enjoyed reading in August and hope to continue it trough September.

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