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You're Not The Boss Of Me: Brat-proofing Your Four- To Twelve-Year-Old Child (2010)

by Betsy Brown Braun(Favorite Author)
3.46 of 5 Votes: 5
0061346632 (ISBN13: 9780061346637)
William Morrow Paperbacks
review 1: I am happy that I got this book, for one, it has ideas and things I can incorporate NOW with my 4 year old, but also things that I will have to look back on and use when he is 7, 9, 12 etc. There are 10 Chapters:How to talk to your kidsGrowing an Empathetic childBuilding Independence in your childTeaching ResponsibilityCreating a Respectful ChildInstilling Honesty in your childBuilding a Self Reliant ChildMaking a Gratitude Adjustment in your childEliminating Spoilage in your childBringing Humor to your childs lifeI found a lot of tips and information useful, and started using it right away, and I do see a difference in how my child reacts to me now. Some information was new to me, I hadn't realized or thought about for instance what a child is capable of understanding o... morer NOT understanding in certain situations- especially in the empathy department. Some information was not new and was common sense, but it's always good to have a reminder or someone else confirming what you might know- ie yelling at your child, in his face, isn't going to get a response you want. I didn't agree with everything, for instance she said she believes children do not belong in a restaurant. But, for the most part I did agree with her approaches and style. I am hoping in the long run this will help the behavior in our home!
review 2: It seems that it was trying for my Mom to be away from home. But I think it can be that way any time we are not in our own home. But I feel that some parenting skills could have been used where she was at. I am recommending that the book You're Not the Boss of Me: Brat Proofing Your 4- to 12- Year Old Child become a new parenting bible for some.I know that we all wish to friends with our children. Alas we are parents first. And if we continue to do all to make the kiddos always happy then we will have brats for sure. Now I am not against happy kids. I am against kids that yell, kick, scream and hit to get their way. And more so the parents that have helped enforced this behavior. I know you have seen them. That kid kicking in the middle of the store while yelling "I want, I want!" at the top of their lungs. And that mom or dad there who scoop them up and hand them what they want to have them stop yelling. My goodness, my mom (yes, Granny M.) would have taken me out and had a good talking to with me in the car. One that would have me looking hang dog faced for the rest of the afternoon.Instead it seems that I have heard more "No!" "Stop!" "Mine!" than I ever wish to hear again from kids. I am so glad that Betsy Brown Braun has a book to help parents deal with the behavior of out of control kids. There are wonderful tips to stop the Gimmes, White Lies and how to show empathy and gratitude. Better yet you can help your kiddos become responsible, respectful and self reliant. Doesn't that sound wonderful?And there is a special feature on 100 Ways to Say "Good Job!" Oh yes, that is a very important part of teaching behavior. Positive reinforcement works. less
Reviews (see all)
Good but a little redundant. A good deal of soft information - but great food for thought.
many useful ideas--mostly common sense. a bit repetitive. too many lists
Wish I could get away with giving to a few chosen people. Excellent.
Too much "don't do this" and not enough "do this".
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