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How Many Chances (2013)

by Beverley Hollowed(Favorite Author)
3.99 of 5 Votes: 1
Titan InKorp
review 1: O leitor inicia uma história que termina em cliff e daí nós esperamos ansiosamente pelo desfecho da história no segundo livro...E então nada acontece... mais choradeira da heroína e mais cagadas feitas pelo herói e mais alguma angústia e acaba.Tudo poderia ter sido resolvido em um único volume. Mas a moda agora são as continuações e parece que todos autores se renderam a esta moda idiota e nós leitores nos submetemos a ela também.Muito desapontada!------------------------------------------------------------------The reader begins a story that ends in a cliff and then we waited anxiously for the outcome of the story in the second book.And then nothing happens ... more whining from heroin and more shit made by hero and more anguish and ends.All could have been ... moreresolved in a single volume. But fashion now are the sequels and it seems that all authors have surrendered to this fashion idiot and we readers submit to her too.Very disappointed!
review 2: This is really more of a 2.5 to 3 star read for me. Not because it's necessarily a bad story, it had great potential and even though the billionaire story has been way overdone, the first book kept me interested. The second book continues the story of Ally & Cole after Alley finds out what Cole has been hiding from her. She goes a little off the deep end and withdraws from everyone. Cole eventually finds her and they continue their relationship. What annoyed me what that she went from never wanting to see him again to loving him, almost unconditionally, within a very short span of time. As for Cole, I understand why you would not wnat to tell someone you were just starting a relationship with that you had this other woman in your past. But, it's not like he was planning on having a relationship with both of them. And, I don't understand the idea, that I've also heard outside of books, that a woman is upset because she can't give the man his first child. Talk about telling a child that they're more or less important than another one. But what really keeps me from buying the third book is the editing. I tried to read over it. I really did. But, the editing is so bad, with missing words, mis-spellings, wrong verb tenses or just the completely wrong word, finally finished it for me. less
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Still annoyed with Ally and all her dumbness!!
She's done it again fantastic book
3.5 stars
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