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Spoiled Rotten (2008)

by Brandi Johnson(Favorite Author)
4.36 of 5 Votes: 3
160162056X (ISBN13: 9781601620569)
Urban Books
review 1: I HATE THIS BOOK! It was poorly written and contained the worst ending of all times. I truly believe that Brandi Johnson needs to go back to her day job and leave writing to the "big guys". The cover and synopsis are both misleading. I almost didn't read it because I thought was going to about a woman but it was really about a teenager. In the beginning, I fell in love with Dariel and I really thought he was a good guy until the end when he went back to Trouble after everything he went through with the drama. I still have my respect for Dariel. I knew Trouble was a drama queen from the start of the book. When I think about it, Trouble and Jameelah are just alike.
review 2: I really liked this book until I reached the end, one character in particular who goes by
... more the name "Trouble", I had mad respect for, that is until I reached the last few chapters of the book, in my opinion she really sold herself short, I understand she wanted to avenge her brother's death but she went about it the wrong way and needless to say she stooped to low to do it, And not only that she decided to bore a bastard child from the same guy who took the life of her brother, what a shame.. less
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Trash. Waste but I kept reading in hopes it would get better.
this was a gooD interstinG bOOk i likeD the endinG
Pure Unadulterated Hogwash!
This was very interesting
O.K. ! ♥
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