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Noches Ardientes (2010)

by Brenda Jackson(Favorite Author)
4.28 of 5 Votes: 1
0373358636 (ISBN13: 9780373358632)
The Westmorelands
review 1: I have to take issue with your title Ms Jackson. It is very misleading. Ramsey Westmoreland is a Westmoreland true to form. He is hot 24/7 --- not just at night! Some of his best "work" was during the daylight hours! OMG!!!!Another installment from the Denver Westmorelands. Ramsey is the strong silent type. I don't care! It didn't diminish his sexiness one bit! In fact, I think it only proved to enhance his character. Ramsey is no frills and all about business trying to run his thriving sheep ranch. All is going pretty routine in his life until a beautiful multi-talented magazine owner shows up on his door step. Chloe Burton is pretty confident that she is going to be able to convince him to pose for her cover. Boy is she totally wrong! Immediately, she is mes... moremerized by his handsome looks and deep somber disposition. Soon she learns that behind that serious facade is a passionate man waiting to be unleashed. When that passion is unleashed it is more than the two of them bargained for. Whew, it is getting hot in here!
review 2: Ramsey and Chloe wow i love them Brenda Jackson does not disappoint with the continuing of the Westmoreland stories. I love to hate her Brenda when she does these teasers and I mean that statement in a good way. I cant wait for Chole's best friend story with Ramsey's brother or Ramsey's HOT Australian Friend and his sister these were such teasers for me through out the book not to take away from Ramsey's and Chloe's story. Join my book group on Facebook (Romance Novel Junkies) and fan page (Romance Novel Junkies Book Reviews). We have over 500 members, which includes well known and indie authors and avid readers as members, who are apart of this group. We would love to hear about new books and thoughts. Also check out our kindle and ebook lending library.Twitter@romanceJUNKIES. less
Reviews (see all)
Ramsey & Chloe Loved it!! Brenda Jackson is great now start continuing of the Westmoreland stories.
OMG! Another favorite from the Westmoreland series. I absolutley loved this novel!
I can't help it....
good one!!!
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