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Atomic Robo And The Shadow From Beyond Time (2009)

by Brian Clevinger(Favorite Author)
4.42 of 5 Votes: 3
0980930251 (ISBN13: 9780980930252)
Red 5 Comics
Atomic Robo
review 1: There is a hectic madness about this series, like Hellboy's BPRD but more crazy by half. It was ever present in the first two trades where Robo spent his illustrious life punch Nazis with science. This story is more of a riff on Lovecraftian madness than anything. It also uses the abrupt and hilarious nature of the previous issues to its benefit, crafting a fun tale that stretches across the 20th century and ending with a greatly funny conclusion that ties up all that came before.Atomic Robo may be outwardly reveling in the madcap adventures of Robo's life, one has to respect the skill at which the story and dialog are all crafted. Definitely worth your time.
review 2: "Fun" can be used dismissively, to suggest a comic is enjoyable but nothing special. In the c
... morease of Atomic Robo, "fun" is the order of the day - and arrives in such abundance that it's a glorified badge of honor. Vol. 3 is the book that truly separates Atomic Robo from the criticism of being "Hellboy Lite," as the series finds its unique voice and delivers a mind-bending (to say nothing of space and time) tribute to Carl Sagan, H. P. Lovecraft, and a whole lot more. The writing is funny and smart (sometimes almost incomprehensibly so in this story) and the art is never less than a genuine pleasure to look at. This book is, in two words, GREAT fun. less
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I am so not a fan of Lovecraft/Lovecraftian horror. Thank goodness he was out of the book early on.
More short stories with atomic Robo, this time he's facing Lovecroft monsters. Kinda fun.
Robo meets Lovecraft by way of science and Carl Sagan. Great fun, as usual!
Damn that is a good graphic novel.
Robo vs Lovecraft.
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