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Atomic Robo And The Fightin' Scientists Of Tesladyne (2009)

by Brian Clevinger(Favorite Author)
4.16 of 5 Votes: 3
0980930200 (ISBN13: 9780980930207)
Red 5 Comics
Atomic Robo
review 1: This could have been great but the way it is presented makes it merely good. The character of Atomic Robo is written well but there aren't many memorable side characters yet. Atomic Robo's team is pretty forgettable so far. I do like that the main villain is a stereotypical megalomaniac Nazi. That's a trope that never gets old. The dialogue is snappy and humorous. The art is fairly cartoony but detailed enough to take seriously but nothing I would call mind-blowing. It fits the tone of the book though. I'm not so much a fan of how the story is broken up into separate vignettes. This might be okay if all of them were even resolved or if there was satisfactory character development from one to another but that's not entirely the case for much of it. There are attempts to pie... morece together a narrative about Atomic Robo's exploits over the past decades but some of these sections kind of fall flat. There is also an attempt to portray Robo's difficulty fitting in with modern society, a la Captain America, that mostly works but that should have been explored further. I could also make a comparison to Hellboy because Atomic Robo has a team that goes out and takes on out of the ordinary threats. I wouldn't say that anything in this book is bad. It just seems disjointed and unfinished. But I still enjoyed Atomic Robo. It's a fun read.
review 2: The creators are clearly fans of Mike Mignola, and so fans of Mignola will feel a familiar structure and natural fondness for the style, material and pacing.With that said, Hellboy could practically step in for Atomic Robo; think Hellboy and BPRD, but remove the paranormal feel and replace with a more hard feeling science/tech. With that said, I love Hellboy, so that certainly wasn't a dealbreaker. Unfortunately Atomic Robo has a few drawbacks, which were enough for me not to pick up the second TPB.Positives:1) It's fun, well-written and often clever. 2) It's light- which is tough to find in a modern adventure comic. 3) It's well drawn enough to enjoy, though I think the line work is iffy and the paneling is boring. I did enjoy the B stories in the back, (and their art) almost more than the general volume.Drawbacks:1) So Hellboy you know exactly what's going to happen, particularly in villain choices and dialogue-style.2) Very little to no character development for anyone is developed in the 1st volume... You don't get to know any of the sidekick or companion group characters, and honestly, beyond a quick wit and a Captain America-esque sadness at his age in a modern era, you get to know very little about Robo either. As a result I felt virtually no connection to any of the characters and couldn't have cared less what happened to them. 3) Robo is indestructible (100%, thus far), so the battles are a bit anti-climatic. Especially since he's still just a "smash" fighter, and isn't using any particularly awesome science or techy solutions to problems. Overall verdit is= "Okay." Mostly likely to be enjoyed by fans of Axe-Cop, Chew, Hellboy, Fables.. less
Reviews (see all)
I think it's good. Clevinger definitely defines Robo a little better in the later volumes though.
I like the adventure feel these stories had. I look forward to reading volume 2.
Love! I had no idea Atomic Robo was going to be such a badass.
AWESOME! Read it.
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