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Atomic Robo Volume 7: The Flying She-Devils Of The Pacific (2013)

by Brian Clevinger(Favorite Author)
4.17 of 5 Votes: 5
098689852X (ISBN13: 9780986898525)
Red 5 Comics
Atomic Robo
review 1: I know why I enjoy Atomic Robo. It is the other side of the coin from Hellboy (which I also enjoy along with B.R.P.D. a great deal). A fish out of water character who's adventures can easily cover a 100+ years because Nikola Tesla is Robo's creator. Where Hellboy and B.R.P.D. deal with the supernatural, Robo is dealing, usually with crazed scientists. While testing a new Tesladyne plane in 1951 Robo is shot down in the Pacific. There he discovers a culture of smugglers, thieves and adventurers. The She-Devils are women pilots and mechanics who had found freedom during the war and elected not to return to the U.S. and their old lives.To avoid spoilers I will say that Robo and the She-Devils team up to solve a threat to the U.S that brings back memories of the Japanese ... morescience fiction movie Atragon.
review 2: The story arc in this volume was decidedly different from the rest, following Robo post-WWII as he gets picked up by jet-pack wearing ladies when shot down over the Pacific. The entire idea of "the war is still on" in the Pacific between pirates and other ne'er-do-wells was a really fun setting and environment, but this volume was more dramatic in its storytelling than the earlier ones. I didn't laugh as much at this one, for example, but I enjoyed the story. less
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Hits all the right notes for me. Possibly one of the best light graphic novels I've ever read.
Another awesome chapter of the Atomic Robo saga! More comics should be like this.
another awesome volume of atomic robo
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