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New Kind Of Christianity (2010)

by Brian D. McLaren(Favorite Author)
3.92 of 5 Votes: 3
0340995483 (ISBN13: 9780340995488)
review 1: For those Christians who find themselves increasingly uncomfortable in church, for those Christians who have heavy questions and have yet to find answers that really satisfy, for Christians who are comfortable and curious in a world of growing tolerance and pluralism, this book may help you along your journey.The ten questions offered in this book seem plain enough if you skim down the table-of-contents. But the author's own responses to these questions can be startling to a reader not prepared for them. Taken as a whole they can change the way a person experiences their own Christianity in truly exciting ways. It can open doors that we did not even fully realize were there to be opened. If you decide to read this book I encourage you to read with an open mind and to be wi... morelling to go with the author wherever he takes you. A limber mind and open heart are essential if you want to get anything out of this book. You do not have to agree with everything the author writes but allowing yourself to become a little uncomfortable and really examining that discomfort and your interactions with this book can be truly eye-opening.The real problem I had with this book has to do with the writing style of the author. It is very 'unplugged,' as if the author is just pouring out what he has cooking in his mind directly (with little filtering, structuring, or editing) onto the page. This can sometimes make his work feel a little sloppy and difficult to follow and it made some chapters feel a bit repetitive (the constant references to earlier portions of his book and other books he has written began to grate on me by the end). From a purely stylistic perspective this book felt rather more like a draft than a publishable manuscript. It could have benefited from some tighter editing, some (re)structuring, and some boiling down. The ideas in this book are truly incredible, but they are mostly diamonds in the rough.
review 2: "I've heard stories of Catholics being saved from ritualism by becoming Pentecostal, Pentecostals being saved from emotionalism by becoming Presbyterian, Presbyterians being saved from rationalism by becoming Eastern Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox being saved from clericalism by becoming Baptist, and Baptists being saved from historical amnesia by becoming Catholic or Orthodox. Simple churches save people from complexity, and complex churches save people from simplicity. Political churches save people from an overly personal religiosity, and personal churches save people from an overly politicized religiosity. Exciting churches save people from boredom, and quiet churches save people from hoopla and hype. Around and around the cycle goes." less
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Sort of the theological underpinning of A New Kind of Christian from almost 10 years earlier.
Good questions, good suggestions for answers, a good read
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