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Inherited Danger (Godsland, #2) (2008)

by Brian Rathbone(Favorite Author)
3.81 of 5 Votes: 3
White Wolf Pres, LLC
The Dawning of Power
review 1: 3 StarsInherited Danger by Brian Rathbone, book two in the Dawning of Power Series. . This is a traditional fantasy with a coming of age story at its center. Like book one, the writing and the world building made this book a real page turner and the short length did not hurt either. I enjoyed this book as it fits right into my personal taste.This second book is an overall fun read, but it could have been so much more. The unfortunate thing about this book is that nothing happens for more than a third of the book. Thankfully, the writing makes it so it doesn't plod along. I am a lover of fantasy so my review is biased but this a solid and fun main stream fantasy. I recommend it to all ages of fans of the genre.
review 2: This book picks up just after the end of
... more the first book…because it had too. Needless to say I didn’t like the way the first book ended, but since it rolled over so evenly into the second one, I was more opened-mined to continue reading the story. (I bounced back and forth between listening and reading on my Kindle.)In this follow-up to the Call of the Herald, Catrin goes on a “Lord of the Rings” type journey in search of…I think, the understanding of her power. The style of this story seemed a bit different from the first book, but after I got used to it, it wasn’t too bad. My major complaint is that not a lot happens for a long time and then everything seemed to happen all at once. It was nice to learn more about Catrin’s background and that of her friends, even though, outside of Benjin (can’t remember how this is spelled), the others characters seem to do very little. There are tons of new characters introduced and some of them are even still alive at the end of the book, and who knows they may appear in the next story. The understanding of the role of Herald isn’t clarified explicitly, but I think this is a good thing. It gives the reader room to decide if the Herald is a vessel for good or evil before seeing how things will play out in the story. At this point, it could still go either way for Catrin, especially since she can’t seem to decide if she’s a strong feisty fighter or a meek lost child. Sometimes she takes hold of the situation and uses her powers boldly and other times, she makes me think of a young wizard hold out his wand with his eyes closed hoping that he’s doing something right. I want Catrin to be a stronger woman than acts like sometimes. Also, some of the relationships in this book are too quick or underdeveloped. Catrin meets her grandmother and a few passages later, we’re on to something else. After saying all this, I want to be clear that I did enjoy this story, just not as much as I did the first one. I’ll eventually continue the series and would recommend it to fans of epic fantasy. less
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it finished very exciting...but draggy in middle..all finebut now on to book three..
Significantly more exciting than part one. Good read.
Loved it.
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