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Seven Languages In Seven Weeks (2010)

by Bruce A. Tate(Favorite Author)
3.93 of 5 Votes: 4
193435659X (ISBN13: 9781934356593)
Pragmatic Bookshelf
review 1: You won't learn any language by reading this book, but at least you may get interested in some of them. The level of details is just about right - the author tried to show the most interesting ideas and design choices for each of the languages without going into things that can be easily googled, if necessary. Bonus points for interviews with language authors and non-nonsense exercises for each language.
review 2: Ruby, Io, Prolog, Scala, Earlang, Clojure and Haskel,This book was not so much about the languages, but more about the different paradigms in programming. Ruby's syntax showed me how enjoyable writing code can be, Prolog blew my mind when it breezed trough a soduku puzzle by just giving it the rules of the game. The functional languages like Clojure a
... morend Haskell made me realize that I have a lot to learn, there's a whole different way of reasoning about computations. I am definitely going to look try out these languages. Great read. less
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great book that covers a multiple paradigm
+1 to Julian Porter's review.
Nice book. Recomended
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