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Scott Pilgrim, Vol. 5: Scott Pilgrim Vs The Universe (2009)

by Bryan Lee O'Malley(Favorite Author)
4.32 of 5 Votes: 2
Oni Press
Scott Pilgrim
review 1: Not fun, but things are not fun in Scott's life. His antics aren't entertaining anyone, even the band's sick of the "we're recording line," and Ramona finds out just how long Scott dated Knives. Everyone has valid complaints.This one's a downer. The twin exes are the least exciting of the series and life's not looking shiny to anyone in the book. Some, but certainly not all, of this is because the 4th was such a joy.Yes, I think it's setting the up the final book. Let's hope that one sings.
review 2: So, five volumes in and I think I can say that I honestly do like this series - plus the volume I was reading has a shiny cover!!In this volume of Scott Pilgrim, Ramona and Scotts relationship hits its first major bumps, Sex Bob-omb breaks up and Gideon gets really
... more interesting.Part of me does wonder why these books weren't just put together into one large graphic novel as very little happens from volume to volume, but they build up nicely so that this volume (and hopefully volume six) really work - I breazed through this one in about 20 minutes, the quickest of the series and other manga. I've noticed a couple of minor variations from the film but on the whole the film was incredibly true to these books and I do think now that seeing the film first has kind of spoiled the experience of the books. In earlier volumes it wasn't as bad but looking back on the series as an (almost) whole I do think it would be better to have gone in blind as it were. less
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Twins? Okay... So Ramona seems more and more like a horrible person. I don't like her.
Scott should dump this girl.
Its alright.
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