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Her Hesitant Heart (2013)

by Carla Kelly(Favorite Author)
3.64 of 5 Votes: 3
0373297351 (ISBN13: 9780373297351)
review 1: *Spoiler*I'm so prejudiced when it comes to Carla Kelly, I can hardly bear to give her books anything below a 4 star rating. I purchased this book in advance because I couldn't wait to read it. Although it isn't my favorite book of Ms. Kelly's, it is a great read.Most of the leading males in Ms. Kelly's books are not what one normally finds in light romance novels. They are not necessarily the type of men that step in and "fix" all the sad situations in the lives of their love(s). However, they are usually very steady, honorable, kind gentleman such as in "My Loving Vigil Keeping" and "The Wedding Journey." I like my leading men to have a little more of a dominant character such as Mr. Otto in "Borrowed Light" and the sequel - "Enduring Light.""Her Hesitant Heart" tells th... moree story of Susanna Hopkins who is a divorced woman who had no choice but to leave her abusive husband and travel to Fort Laramie near Cheyenne, Wyoming where she will try and make a living as a school teacher. She has been injured physically by her husband to the point that she has only partial eyesight in one of her eyes. To make matters worse, during the divorce proceedings she lost custody of her 11 year old son, Thomas.Major Joseph Randolph, army surgeon, has the task of picking Susanna up at the train station. He has a sad tale of his own - his lovely first wife, Melissa caught on fire and died while pregnant with their first child several years previous to when the story begins.So, there you have the basis for the romance story. As usual, Ms. Kelly is not afraid to put grit into her books including this story which contains some grief and heartache. One can't help but fall just a little bit in love with her main characters even as they take a little time to heal as they work toward the solution to their problems.Indeed, Major Joe has had years to come to terms with some of his sorrow and he is ready to stand by Susanna during all her trials that come up once it is discovered that she is a "divorcee" come to teach the officers' children at Fort Laramie. It's a sweet, rich story.
review 2: Setting: 1875 Wyoming Territory3 1/2 starsNow,what's better than a cowboy Hero? Of course a soldier Hero! Susanna Hopkins is a divorcee looking for a home and a second chance, which she hopes to find at Fort Laramie as the new school teacher. But,to save face her cousin lies and says that Susanna is a war widow. The only one who knows the truth is the fort's post surgeon, widower Major Joseph Randolph,who becomes her only friend and supporter. But..alas forts are like small towns, and lies are soon uncovered. Susanna loses her job, her hopes and almost her life (which I wont add anything here as it would spoil it too much :) But Hero Joe refuses to let her give up,and in saving her he saves himself. A delightful emotional, uplifting western romance about two wounded souls who find love and comfort in each other. The scenery described in Her Hesitant Heart felt very authentic and the author must have done her research to make the time period stand out so well. I always like my romances with just enough historical detail so that it dosent take away from the characters and their plight, and this one delivered as I found both the plot and the characters admirable and engrossing. Would have liked it a little more "steamy" shall we say, but overall a fast enjoyable read. less
Reviews (see all)
I love romance books, but this one was a little too much for me. always love a happy ending though.
Nobody writes about the extraordinary in ordinary lives with greater skill than Carla Kelly.
A very sweet, well written romance, set in the wild west. A good quick read
I thought this book was very well written and tastefully done. Enjoyed it!
I would recommend it.
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