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Winnie Finn, Worm Farmer (2009)

by Carol Brendler(Favorite Author)
4.09 of 5 Votes: 3
0374384401 (ISBN13: 9780374384401)
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)
review 1: What a cute book. I love that it's about a girl and worms! As a girl who loved nature and was never afraid of bugs, worms, or snakes as a child I love seeing books where girls get along with the squiggly-wigglies and the wigglies themselves are the good guys. In this book they're not only the stars, but they help out the community. It definitely highlighted the way different things in the food and growing system and business are connected too. The illustrations are adorable and I especially love the beat up old wagon with a rollerskate for a wheel. The opening illustration of the girl cuddling the worm had me giggling and saying awwww. All of the characters were well done and I liked the variety in their appearances. Overall this is a great story, especially for those cons... moreidering worm farming or learning about worms. Nitpick note: Two details in this book that would be completely unimportant to children by that bother me are the fact that corn, especially today's corn, is really not that good for chickens and someone who's breeding dogs should already know about eggs and a raw diet being superbly good for their puppies so I found the detail of the dog breeder thinking the girl clever for the eggs thing unbelievable. But as I said both of those details are minor and I'm just super picky about that type of thing. I'll still be buying the book and having the author sign it!
review 2: My 3 year old daughter has recently fallen in love with worms. We have had several rainstorms lately and she is fascinated by the worms that appear once the rain stops. When I saw the book "Winnie Finn, Worm Farmer" on the new arrivals shelf at the library, I took it home. It proved to be a good choice. The illustrations are wonderful. The fictional story contains multiple true life facts about worms and it is the story of a girl who uses her brains and know-how to accomplish something that all the adults she runs into say isn't possible. This is a perfect story for kids! less
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Well, I wrote this book, but I do have a fondness for it beyond measure.
Great book for predictions. Cool science connections for soil.
Great book on worms and worm farming. Fun story!!
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