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A Foreign Country (2012)

by Charles Cumming(Favorite Author)
3.7 of 5 Votes: 3
0312591330 (ISBN13: 9780312591335)
St. Martin's Press
Amelia Levene
review 1: Not a bad thriller, which had me turning the pages which is of course the main aim. The plot revolves around Amelia Levene , who just about to be appointed C in MI6 disapears, rogue agent Tom Kell is asked to find her and so the thriller starts. My only reservation was Kell's speech mid novel to a young woman computer hacker/spy about the justification for torture of terrorists captured in Afghanistan and the awarding of compensation by courts for same, and I wasn't clear if this was the writers opinion or the character. Otherwise a good thriller, not anywhere near Le Carre as the blurb suggests but may try more.
review 2: The first two thirds of the book were a slog - they dragged out, they were almost boring, and I didn't see where the intrigue was going to h
... moreappen. and then all of a sudden it did. The last third of the book was fast and exciting, though ultimately, I thought the author just glossed over the bad guys' motivation. I would have liked to have had a better understanding of what they thought they were going to accomplish. less
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A good read. Read the entire book in one session.
a true spy thriller ~ great read!
Rippingly good spy thriller.
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