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The Essential Smart Football (2012)

by Chris B. Brown(Favorite Author)
3.96 of 5 Votes: 2
1470125595 (ISBN13: 9781470125592)
review 1: I love the sport of football for the same reason Chris B. Brown does: it’s near perfect blend of athleticism and strategy. As he puts it, football is the “rare pastime that has the potential to stimulate our left and right brains equally.” The result is a beautiful game. This book is a compilation of essays Brown posted on his website smartfootball.com. It’s not for the casual fan. He goes fairly in-depth over coaching strategies, techniques like the five versus seven step drop, and tactics for offensive and defensive line play that to a casual fan would sound as if he’s writing in a foreign language. In addition, because these essays are essentially pieces lifted from his blog over time, they lack any particular coherence or unifying theme. But for those of us w... moreho love the sport, learning more about what is actually happening on the field is like an art lover studying art history. It gives you that much more of an appreciation of the masterpieces you love.
review 2: This a great encapsulation of the current popular schematics of football play calling. The book does a good job explaining why certain coaches, from professional to college, are enjoying success based on their unique style of football.It would help to have a basic understanding of football since this is not an introduction yet an analysis of contemporary football.My basic understanding of the game has been changed for the better as well as my perspective of the game. To be able to notice the intricate play calling and determine a coaches game plan leads to a more than satisfying game watching experience. This book notes how the game has changed over the years and it will be interesting to compare this book to the style of football play several years from now. less
Reviews (see all)
Great book if you love football. If you don't care for football, none of this will make sense.
Perfect, if you are a strathead like me. I wish that there were Chris Browns for all sports.
An entertaining way to get a deeper understanding of modern football strategy.
Pretty good but some of it was over my head.
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