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Unpacking Forgiveness: Biblical Answers For Complex Questions And Deep Wounds (2008)

by Chris Brauns(Favorite Author)
4.32 of 5 Votes: 4
1581349807 (ISBN13: 9781581349801)
Crossway Books
review 1: Basic tenant of the book is to forgive as God forgives… gracious but not free, a commitment, lays the groundwork for reconciliation, does not mean the elimination of all consequences. If someone doesn’t ask for forgiveness resolve not to take revenge, protectively show love, and leave room for God’s wrath. What Brauns labels as “Biblical forgiveness” is simply the verses that support his view that no one should be forgiven unless repentance is seen. He brushes of Jesus on the cross saying, “Father forgive them…” as the future hope of Christ for them rather than his forgiveness of them. I’m not convinced. When I’m asked, “Since God doesn’t forgive until I ask for forgiveness, should I forgive someone before they repent?” I respond, “You’re not ... moreGod.” But I have to agree with Brauns that IF your ready to forgive anyone should they ask, and IF you can keep yourself from growing bitter and (my own) IF you can bless your enemies…then OK, wait until they ask before you forgive. I believe some people can. I haven’t been able to yet.
review 2: This was an insightful read. I felt that it got better and better as I went. The subject of biblical forgiveness is something very important for the health of the church and of our individual families. Ideas discussed include– seeing forgiveness as a commitment (not a feeling), understanding that biblical forgiveness always seeks reconciliation (even if it can't always attain it) and that although forgiveness should be graciously offered to all, offenders need to respond with repentance. less
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Unpacking Forgiveness: Biblical Answers for Complex Questions and Deep Wounds by Chris Brauns (2008)
Bringing the wonderful doctrine of forgiveness down to real life and real hurts.
Great insights! really changed the way I think about forgiveness.
By far the best book I've read on forgiveness!
Top 3 of the best books I read in 2009
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