It’s time for WWW Wednesday! This blog hop is hosted by Sam over at A World Of Words. Link up with us by commenting on Sam’s post for this week, and just answer the three questions.
What have you recently finished reading?
I finally finished Heart of Brass by Felicity Banks. It picked up a bit in the last quarter, and I actually enjoyed the tie-ins with actualy historical events. My review goes up on Friday.
I then whizzed through The Devil’s Prayer by Luke Gracias. It started strong and remained readable throughout, despite some pacing issues. My review is scheduled for next Monday.
My review of How the Aliens from Alpha Centauri Invaded My Maths Class and Turned Me Into a Writer… and How You Can Be One, Too went up on Monday (and hopefully, I will never have to type that title again! Haha!). I feel like I’m finally back on top of reviews, after falling off the wagon a bit lately. That review is here.
What are you currently reading?
I’ve been concentrating on Dracula by Bram Stoker this week. I’m aiming to read two or three chapters each week, and then it won’t take me forever to read it. Most of the chapters are under 15 pages, so it shouldn’t be that hard. So far my main takeaway is that I want to give Dr Seward a hug. He’s all sad but stoic after Lucy rejected his proposal.
I also managed to pick up On Writing by Stephen King, since all the cool kids are reading it right now.