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The Broken Token (2010)

by Chris Nickson(Favorite Author)
3.64 of 5 Votes: 3
095605661X (ISBN13: 9780956056610)
Creme de La Crime
Richard Nottingham
review 1: I read this super quickly after going through peoples wishlists who are attending the Leeds UnCon next month and realising I need to read about 80 pages per day if I want to finish all the books I've got that others want! It was a super easy read, interesting, and I even had to look up what small beer was, so I learned something new :D I'm also amazed at how little sleep characters in books seem to need to function, I'm sure if I were getting as little sleep as the 2 main characters were I'd be a blubbering mess, and of no help to anyone! I was also surprised to read that tea was expensive in the 1700s, I would have thought it'd been as common as it is now!
review 2: I don't usually read crime but from the very first page I was riveted to this story of a man's
... morequest to find a serial killer. The flow of text leaves you unable to put this down and his description of characters gives you enough freedom as a reader to allow your imagination to run riot. This book was a first in two ways - one it has encouraged me to read more crime and two it was the first one that I read electronically. less
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Simply excellent! Full review pending after appearance at Paperbackswap Mystery Blog)
A very enjoyable historical mystery. I look forward to reading more in this series.
Really a 3 and 1/2
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