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Learning To Ski With Mr. Magee (2010)

by Chris Van Dusen(Favorite Author)
4.36 of 5 Votes: 2
0811874958 (ISBN13: 9780811874953)
Chronicle Books
review 1: Recently I read Learning to ski with Mr. Magee. In this book there are two main characters, Mr. Magee and Dee the dog. Early on a winter day Mr. Magee and Dee wanted to go skiing, so they went up to Mt. Snow. At the bottom of the hill there was a moose just out of sight. At the end of the hill Mr. Magee slid under the moose but the tips of his ski's snagged on a log and hung suspended above a ravine. Read the book to find out what happens next.I thought that the pictures in this book were good and told a lot of the story. Also i think that the pictures are what makes this book a good book because especially at the end there are alot of parts in this book that i think would not make sence if the pictures were there.I would recommend this book from kindergarden to adults bec... moreause its not a hard book to get but its a book that you would have fun reading because of the way Christ Van Dusen rhymes and the way he uses words like ZIP or ZING. I liked this book because it was not hard to read and its easy to stay with the story.
review 2: One winter morning, Mr.Magee and his dog Dee decide to learn how to ski. But a pleasant downhill ski turns into a wacky adeventure that gets them stuck in a slippery situation with a moose, "With a snort the moose leapt! The skis went SPRING!They popped in the air with a ZIP and a ZING!And up like a rocket shot DEE and MACGEE..."The lively and funny rhyming are a like a blast to my childhood of when I would enjoy Dr. Seuss's witty rhymes. But, this book can be even more entertaining than a Dr. Seuss book, because of their hilarious and perfectly drawn pictures of Dee and Macgee. less
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Maybe a 4... but it has a Moose in it! Fun to read... good pictures.... what's not to like. : )
Hilarious!!! It would be a great storytime read. My boys loved this one!!!
Cute rhyming story and darling illustrations!
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