Logan Paul and The Law Of Reflection And What It Truly Entails

Insight from a Higher Perspective.

Throughout this blog, you’ve seen me mention the Law of Reflection quite often which is states that everything that we see outside of us, is a reflection of some aspect within ourselves. Now this may not be the easiest pill to swallow, especially when what we see disgusts us or repulses us in some way. I want to be clear that just because we see it within our reflections, it does not always mean that what you see is exactly what you are, but rather what you see, is a reflection of some ASPECT of who you are.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say someone moves through life feeling as though people pick on them and often finds themselves being “bullied” by others or being taken advantaged of. Some people may fall into this trap of thinking, well if the Law of Reflection tells me that what’s outside of me is what’s in ME, that must mean I too must be a bully or mean-hearted, or likes to take advantage of others…etc.

Understand that this is not the case. We attract vibrations that are a match to us, yes BUT there is more to this than what meets the eye. In cases like these, it’s not that the person being bullied is MEAN to begin with as that is an untrue statement, for these people are actually emitting a vibration that radiates out the words “I DO NOT LOVE MYSELF, I AM NOT WORTHY, I HAVE LOW SELF ESTEEM or I FEEL POWERLESS”

This vibration is picked up by people who are attracted to those types of energy and will most often entail someone who may take advantage of that without even realizing it. These bullies often have the same vibration of I DO NOT LOVE MYSELF or a sense of powerlessness that can either make them be “bullied” or they can PROJECT their powerlessness by trying to OVERCOME someone else by bullying others.

If someone is consistently radiating a vibration of confidence and self love and worthiness, those “bullies” who tend to project their insecurities will know by trying to do so will not go by well with these people and often they will know better than to even try. These people, more than likely, through the Law of Attraction will be repelled by such confident and SECURE people for the Law of Attraction does both attracting and repelling. So it’s not that people who are bullied are MEAN like bullies, but are bullied due to their sense of POWERLESSNESS and INSECURITIES that is exhibited by their vibration and are causing them to match up with the PERFECT VIBRATIONAL MATCH through the Law Of Attraction. We must understand that when people are “BEING BULLIES TOWARDS YOU”, know that they are in fact reflecting an aspect within you to transmute. In cases like these, its they are reminding you to REMEMBER YOUR WORTH, and therefore, these so called bullies are not “mean” in divine perspective, but rather are YOUR TEACHERS, teaching you something about yourself.

This is an important concept to understand because I feel like I have to touch on a topic that may be sensitive for others at this moment. I’m unsure of how this will come across, but my guides have urged me to speak about this topic with a perspective of love and compassion. Over the last few days, many probably have heard about the Logan Paul incident with his trip to the Suicide Forest and what had happened over there. Although I strongly feel he stepped way over the line and had many attempts to STOP what he was doing while making the video, I do feel i need to shed light on what I see from a divine perspective on this situation.

Many people may have come across Logan Paul and his work for many years now and may feel a bit “tired” of his antics and his video posts. Logan, for me, represents someone that is deep within the 3D paradigm and often represents many who are living in that parallel and flaunts the 3D life well. As we know, many are shifting to the 5D realm and those who are in higher densities are able to get a more “eagle’s eye” perspective in the whole thing and are not as “affected” or as “angered” for int eh 5D realm, we realize we are ALL ONE, and no one is separate from us, and what we see outside of us is a reflection of an ASPECT of us.

I write this because the 3D realm often entails a world built on superficial constructs rather than on QUALITY constructs and more on SELFISHNESS than on SERVICE to others and humanity. This world is more “dog eat dog world” , and “what is mine is mine”, and “what is yours is yours”. This world often entails greed due to fear of lack, insecurities, and is plagued with jealousy, power trips and overall lower vibrational energy. Again, at this moment in time I do believe Logan is an aspect of the 3D parallel and these events that have passed are a major learning curve for him to either ACKNOWLEDGE the need for SELF REFLECTION to move beyond these constructs, or stay—as we are based in a free will environment.

Everything HAPPENS for a REASON.

This CAN be a major eye-opener for Logan if he wishes to even SEE IT FOR WHAT IT IS.  Mind you, this young 22 year old, has a huge influence and has at least 15 million followers, and is often reflecting TO US, the wider collective, what we WISH to change in regards to our belief systems—IF ANY. Some people feel he’s perfectly fine while some people loath him. He has very dualistic purpose to him, and I do believe we must understand that he is showing us what 3D is LIKE and letting US choose what we PREFER and what we would like TO SEE CHANGE in our worlds, as it is ALWAYS OUR CHOICE, to move beyond it to 4D or higher or to stay within it.

Now, in regards to the backlash he has received in posting the video, although I do not agree with what Logan did in any way, the hateful comments he received was quite interesting to observe to say the least. I understand how completely insensitive that video was for those who have experienced cases of suicide within their own lives; his video was incredibly DISTASTEFUL and DISREPSECTFUL to others, especially to the family members and friends of the individual who’s body was in the video and was completely inappropriate for his young audience members.

It is not surprising to see how this video triggered so many people which led to the initial backlash of his behavior on social media.  But despite this DRAMA, I am reminded that we, as collective whole, must stand back to gain a further perspective and understanding of what is REALLY going on–which is that through the Law of Reflection, what Logan did, is only actually reflecting an aspect within ourselves.

I know, it’s hard to HEAR sometimes but it’s the truth.

There is insensitivity to what Logan did, yes, and there is pain here, yes. But know that what we see outside of ourselves is drawing us to reveal something within ourselves. For those who outright blast him and try to hold him within a place of no forgiveness in their hearts, know that this is not a reflection of LOGAN, but rather a reflection of an inner pain within yourself that tends to hold YOURSELF in a place of no forgiveness.

In instances like these, acknowledge your emotions, and let them rise to the surface to transmute them, for when you cannot forgive someone, chances are there are things within your life that you have not forgiven within yourself.

Ask yourself, what have I not forgiven myself for in the past? Why do I choose to hold myself there? What GOOD is this doing FOR ME?

For in DIVINE TRUTH, everyone is perfect and we are all teachers and students and that there are NO MISTAKES in this world–just learning curves.

Learning curves can come across as TERRIBLE and HORRIFIC to an observer to witness, but know in spiritual truth, that this contrasting experience we are facing is only to help us make choices to move to a reality in which we prefer. Logan is still a divine human being just like anyone else on this planet, and it is our job as a COLLECTIVE to understand that although you may not LIKE him, or the things he does, he is in fact, REFLECTING an aspect within ourselves.

It is our job to not blame anyone outside of ourselves, but rather take a look within ourselves to ask, WHY have WE ATTRACTED THIS to our experience? What does he represent to me? Do I like this aspect? If not, what can I do to transmute this aspect and move closer to my own divine truth? For if WE ARE ALL ONE, and everything is unfolding PERFECTLY in higher truth, you would be able to see this situation in a higher perspective with compassion and understanding rather than retaliation and blame.

So does this mean you are an avid LOGAN PROTECTOR or defender or FAN?


Does this mean you have to agree with his behaviour?

Not at all.

But does this mean we can deliberate choose a different parallel reality that we PREFER because of what we have experienced here with Logan?


We all have choice in the matter, and we can CHOOSE to move into a world in which we prefer at all times. For some that would be moving away from 3D constructs, and for others, staying within the 3D construct. The choice is ultimately yours.

And Again, I know it’s hard to hear but blaming others, spreading hate, or being unable to forgive another IS A 3D construct within itself.

(Whereas PEACE and LOVE and FORGIVENESS and COMPASSION and UNDERSTANDING are all in the 4D constructs or higher. )

So I ask again, do you want to stay in 3D or do you want to move to 4D and higher?

The energies as of late has been quite restless on the collective and many lightworkers are probably feeling a bit uncomfortable and “antsy”.  I know on a personal level I’ve been trying to understand these energies myself and am being propelled to write on topics I normally would not speak of. I’m not someone who particularly enjoys diving into the world of “TRENDS” or “POP CULTURE” or “POLITICS” for that matter, but it appears to me that the Angels and Ascended Masters really have a message to come across here.  My hope is that through the articles I write, people are able to see a higher perspective in regards to the whole situation and instead of exhibiting judgment, they can see things from the perspective of love.   And it would seem that those who are “aware” of their lightworking roles and have done so for many years now, will be encouraged to STEP UP and SPEAK OUT of what they observe with compassion, love and understanding. It is part of my purpose to shed light on matters that maybe people do not understand or are a bit confused about at this time as the energies are all over the place.  At first I was hesitant to even post this up even though I took time write this whole article down, but I asked for a sign from Yeshua himself to show me what I need to do and this image popped up on my Twitter.

In this world, there are no coincidences.  And although I realize my point of view may not be “popular” by any means, I also realize I’m here to take unconventional approaches to perspectives in times where there is much uprooting and CONFUSION occurring on our Planet.  It is my hope that one day people will be able to see one another through the eyes of SOURCE and with unconditional love. And it is my hope that people will get to a space where they can thank those who may have triggered them along their journey and to realize that it was never their intention to hurt you, but rather to help you move closer into remembering who you truly are–a DIVINE, ETERNAL, LOVING BEING.

Again, my heart goes out for those who have been impacted negatively by this video, and for those who have experienced loss through suicide or have known someone who has gone through it, I have attached some links below if you or anyone you know are needing help.  There is so much love here for you. Remember that.




Much love everyone,


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