Shark Tank – Gematria Study & Illuminati Symbolism

The upper tier elite behave in a manner very similar to that of the gang culture, in as such they have their own hidden symbols, numbers, and of course hand gestures.

A Gang Hand Sign

A gang signal is a visual or verbal way gang members identify their affiliation. This can take many forms including slogans, hand signs and colored clothing. Many of these, especially slogans and hand signs, have become part of popular culture. This manner of behavior is identical to that of the upper tier elite. The elite will often flash numerous hand signals which display their affiliation and hidden allegiance to their secret society.

The 1 Percent – Don KKK Robes At Yale – Future Judges, Lawyers, Politicians, Business Owners

Acid was poured out over the face of Geronimo, and the flesh melted off his decapitated head as six members of Skull & Bones, including George Bush grandfather Prescott Bush, watched in amazement and delight. This true sickening account of debauchery is routine for the upper tier elite, who between their routine grave robbery rituals or license plate vandalism, will operate the so-called justice system of America. The gang members pictured above are in charge of the courts and the political operations of the United States.

Hand Mundra Illuminati Gang Signs

The gestures of the post Bavarian ‘illuminati’ are known as ‘hand mundra’, a form of magic gestures made through the occult practice of channeling energy into the user and through the hands. The signs of the hand mundra allow the occultist to convey a message of either strength or hidden balance.  Most notably these hand signals are shown via political figures in order to enchant, or hex, an audience under the spell of the speaker. Adolf Hitler was not only a master occultist, but a master of hand gestures. Hitler utilized the upper tier pyramid, a symbol of power/passion to stir up the Nazi frenzy. When at balance Hitler would posture himself with the gesture of the downward pyramid, an occult tool for showcasing hidden blue energy. Satanic groups are fond of using these gestures as well to enchant hidden demonic entities to convey messages from the ether. Initiates in the circle of dark magic cast spells using these same gestures, or chaos magic. These same gestures known to Satanist and Adolf Hitler are used in the reality series Shark Tank.


The hand gesture shown above is known within the Hindo (Hindu/Buddhist religion system) as the ‘trimunti mudra’. The upper pyramid sign and the lower pyramid sign are ancient gestures that are said to invoke the spiritual blessings or curses of the God/gods, depending upon which deity or entity the user calls upon. The ‘trimunti’ is a symbolic gesture that represents the Holy Trinity of gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Occultist often utilize the gestures of the upper pyramid and downward pyramid during magic rituals which involve the visualization of entities or spirit beings.

“We also understand that we are working with Godforms, not directly with the Gods, but nevertheless, the Godforms are directly connected to *actual Gods*, real living intelligences that are behind the forms, that, if you like are gracious enough to “lend us” their outer astral garments (forms) for the purpose of the ritual.” – Soror SD, Gods Of The Golden Dawn Comment

The Art Of Intimidation

Satanic groups call upon a hidden force to aid them in obtaining wealth or power/control over others. In this manner the self is served while those seeking aid/help are subdued. The upper hand mudra (meaning a mark or seal) is meant to represent the pyramid or three faces of the so-called three divine god set (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva). This gesture is also called “three faces“, and represents the conscious mind . The symbolic “three faces” also serves to remind the user of a three-tier energy field or ‘chakra force’ for general basic chakra stimulation, heart chakra, and frontal chakra. By using the gesture for an internal vision quest, a connection to the spirit world is thought to be created. Hindo users utilize this trimunti mudra mostly while moving their arms during asanas. While occultist may use this signal in order to intimidate or subdue others to their will. During recent peace rallies in California, gang members flashed hand signals to signify that they did not want any peace. This method of hand sign intimidation from gangstas is very similar to those dark arts employed via the elite.  

“I have found that when I use this gesture, it centers and calms me. I have not found any research to back this up, but when I do this it’s almost as if I feel more centered and have an easier time taking deep breaths. It is similar to the prayer gesture. Anyone else experience this?” – Science of People

The Evil Steeple Gesture

The energy field of the body chakra and the spirit world is taught in the occult as a gateway or path for communication between the seen and unseen to behave on an equal playing field. This is why you will always see a figure of high import wearing the colors of black and white, a hidden message for accessing equal light or dark paths..

From Adolf Hitler to Satanist Anton Levy, the modern elite are using the red pyramid signal to feature a hidden message of control and fire-passions. The users will signify this occult ability through the use of color such as the red tie (Donald Trump), or red dress. In the above photo you can see the red chair and belt of the seated female. This is indicative in the world of hexcraft for hidden gnosis of controlling people to submit under your will. It is a selfish method of the occult utilized by those in positions of wealth and influence. The evil steeple signal being used by Kevin O Leary of Shark Tank fame is just one such example.

THE DOWNWARD PYRAMID When the hands turn down towards the ground, it is called ‘trimurti mudra ajna’ (prithivi Earth)  This form of the triangle gesture is known as an Earth symbol, it is also called the ‘Water Sign’ or ‘The Blue Pyramid’. Amongst the modern religion of the Rastafarian Movement, the gesture is called the “Holy Trinity”. Like the ancient Hindo religion, Rasta believe that the mudra gesture showcases the concept of a ‘Divine Trio’, many believing it to be a father, mother, and child conception, while others insist it presents Marcus Garvey, Emmanuel, and Haile Selassie I, in the role of a “Holy Trinity”.     “This significant hand symbol, which we call it the “Trinity”. In ancient kamet was called “Practicus” which was used by the first ancient kings of Ethiopia and the knowledge of it arose into the northern empire of Ethiopia which we call Kemet, called Egypt by the europeans. Remember that Kemet is the first child of Ethiopia, its wisdom came straight from Ethiopia, what is on its walls is still practiced today.” – David Penalosa, Torah Codes Comment Doing Things In Reverse To Gain Power From The OTHER SIDE – The Beneath The gesture is oft used to showcase the ‘trinity concept’ (or complete the hexagram), as well as represent the famous color trope known as Red VS. Blue – the downward pointing pyramid representing the color blue (meaning mystery), the upward pyramid the color red. Occultist who utilize the gesture for the purpose of magic may flash the downward pyramid while attempting to tap into supernatural forces from realms called the underworld or ether. This manner of hex-craft is a from of hand magic (sometimes called chaos magic), placing the pyramid in stark contrast to the upward pyramid gesture once used by the ancient Levite tribes. Occultist placing their hands in a downward pyramid may thus represent an opposite form to the ancient Levite tribe hand gesture known as the “blessing of God”.  In this manner, if it were the case, the use of the downward pyramid during ritual may allude to the concept of backwards magic, which mystic Aleister Crowley spoke of as doing things in reverse. The opposite of good, the hidden veil is evil. In such manner occultist draw, read, and write backwards. “You have the ability to read backwards, read in a mirror, read upside down. Can any of your classmates do that?” – Cold Hard Truth, Kevin O Leary Advertisements Share this:
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