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Make Me Crazy (2013)

by Codi Gary(Favorite Author)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 2
Books With Benefits Press
Loco, Texas
review 1: Make Me CrazyLet me tell you a little bit about myself. I was born and raised in Southern California. Beaches, surfboards and all that jazz. I loved it, don't get me wrong, I just wished I could ride horses all day, I adore country music and something about a Southern boy drawl with his "Yes Ma'ams" just suckers me EVERYTIME. Now, I have been living in Mississippi for almost 8 years, and I could do smaller. Montana, maybe. The mister would never go for it. He is a big city guy. These reasons and many more are why I love Codi Gary and her books. She brings you into Small Town, U.S.A. And all its quirks and charm come alive in her words. Rock Canyon is the perfect example. But, then I go and visit Loco, Texas and I am in awe all over again at the talent Codi possesses to pai... morent such a vivid picture with her words.When you get to Loco, Texas you meet all the fun townsfolk. There's Earl who nobody goes around, except Rand who is oddly friendly with him, as he is with her. You will often find Rand hanging with her 2 best friends: Red and Jake. They have been friends for over 20 years. Drinking beers, movie nights and cracking jokes. Red's sisters are a riot. The Momma's will smack you upside the head if you act out in church, and Heaven's forbid you use His name in vain. A sudden death of the only family Rand has close leaves her in a pickle. According to her Granddaddy's will, the ranch she was raised at and put her blood, sweat and tears into will go into the hands of her cousin unless she marries within 3 months. What was her Granddaddy thinking? Rand doesn't want to marry. Heck, she doesn't even date. When word gets out about her predicament, all the single men come a calling. That ranch is a pretty penny in the eyes of her potential suitors. Only problem with that, she isn't willing to give that up. Her lifelong friend (and town hussy!) Jake helps her when she sets her sights on the only male in town that sparks her interest."He squeezed her close. 'Only okay sometimes? I'm awesome all the time." The new town vet. What better way to catch the eye of another man than to appear unavailable while on the arm of the town hottie? "He lost the deer in the headlights expression and flashed a sheepish grin. 'I'm not narcissistic; I'm just self-aware."This book reads like one of those romantic comedies that I always force my husband to watch with me. Just the right amount of heat, humor and tugs of the heart strings. Plus, Codi knows how to make her supporting cast of characters so likable that you find yourself proposing your ideas for their own stories to the author. (SORRY!)Miranda "Rand" Coleman is full of sass, and the last person anyone looks to as sexy. When Jake enlists the help of Red's sisters to help make her more ladylike, he feels sparks. Does she feel them? What is happening? She is stubborn and just one of the guys. Why is she suddenly charming? "I don't know what you've been told, but you have as much charm as an armadillo's backside."The walk down this aisle is one filled with fights, drunken stupors and several smacks upside the heads from some loving Mommas. "'I was sick, Mom. Rand's been taking care of me out at her place. And besides all that, you do know I'm a grown ass man?' 'Of course I do! Doesn't mean I won't kick your ass up one side and down the other id you ever scare me like that again.'" Throw in a pleasure party, a penis cake, a romance novel from an unlikely author, an ALMOST ticket for lewd acts ("No ticket tonight but do us all a favor. Keep it zipped until you get home. Or park somewhere.") you have a great read!My favorite quote of this book! The grand,romantic gesture! Now, for a few more of my favorite quotes, and teases..."Miranda Coleman, that was downright romantic.""Love makes even the worst situations bearable, Jake.""Suddenly, sleep seemed a little over-rated when she had six foot plus of hot Texas male in her bed."You won't be disappointed with this love story!
review 2: Western Romance is not my usual genre of reading (I usually prefer paranormal, fantasy, not overly technical scifi, or Victorian period), but I loved this story! It was a very sweet romance, in how it followed the already strong, capable Rand as she grew as a person realizing that for all her knowledge of the world, was still very naieve and vulnerable, going from wanting just marriage in name only just so she could keep the ranch, to being swept up in passion, to discovering just what love is and how much she needed it in her life, to trying to understand all the innerworkings of what a marriage is and its ups and downs, not to mention meeting new friends along the way. And don't get me wrong that this is entirely chicklit because it does also alternate with Jake giving us the male viewpoint.The story is a lovely experience that kept taking new twists and turns as Rand experienced new things and had to re-evaluate her life from being stubborn and rigid, to finding the new person inside her. I would recomend this book to anyone looking for a sweet romance. less
Reviews (see all)
Cute story. It didn't stand out but it wasn't bad.
Mediocre, mellow, must miss!
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