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Verliebt In Die Sterne (2014)

by Connie Brockway(Favorite Author)
3.37 of 5 Votes: 3
Royal Agents
review 1: Note: definitely read the prequels before this - I did not, and constantly felt that I was missing plot points and character backgrounds!A very cute and fun story all romance! Sometimes I felt as though the characters and this relationships were not fully developed, but I loved the fact that the heroine was an intellect. It was a very different storyline than most historical fiction novels, and I loved it!
review 2: A nice and mildly suspenseful historical.The characters are rather conventional -- Avery's the lovely, unconventional free spirit who convinces Giles to help her carry off a disguise as a young man. Giles reluctantly agrees to help. They travel to London where complications ensue.There's a mystery related to a secret government Committee which gets
... more quickly resolved.It's a nice quick read without surprises...so 3 stars. less
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An enjoyable read if you're a fan of period pieces.
This is my faaaaaave trope. Loved this book.
Different then the others but still good
good but the ending was disappointing
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