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Dall'abbondanza All'abbastanza (2013)

by Courtney Carver(Favorite Author)
3.36 of 5 Votes: 1
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review 1: I felt a review had to accompany the embarrassment of adding Carvers's book to my reading list. Having a hypocritical interest in the philosophy of minimalism, I came across this short essay on the art of living with less. After a bright start which lasted maybe 3 to 4 pages, I was taken along for a excruciating, dull, narcissistic essay about how to live in the land of enough (a metaphor for giving up all our materialistic comforts and living a pure life, free from desire and greed. Yum-yum.). Almost comical at times, if it wasn't for the seriousness in which she attacks the subject.I was left spellbound by the fact that people are reviewing this book in a positive light. Save the lollipop philosophy and read something a little more credible.In the land of enough, time is... more short, too short to be reading banal bullshit like this.
review 2: Read it to do a bit of an attitude reset after a huge 3 week long shopping spree (post Xmas sales!) and I couldn't agree more with everything she is saying but I am still buying lots haha! I am still looking for a book/paradigm that would really shift my mindset towards less buying but for now I have failed to find one and tend to spend everything I earn. Oh well, maybe it is not a change of attitude I need but a goal worthy of saving for. less
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nice short ebook about living a simple life and being contempt with what you have.
A short book on how to live simply. Quick read to re-frame your view of stuff.
essenziale, pratico, utile
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