How do you control the world?

“How do you control the world? …each tradition or philosophy then offers a different answer. None, as we have seen, manages to deliver us from the cycle of danger, fear, and control that plagues us, and in some cases, religion only makes us more afraid and the world more dangerous.

Jesus, however, started with a completely different question. He ignored How do you control the world?, and instead asked, How do you see the world? 

Rather than offering his followers a new system of control through rituals or rules, Jesus wanted to give them new eyes–a new way to see the world.” —-Through the eyes of Love, which is through the eyes of God. How do you see the world?

“Most Christians, like everyone else, expect religion to provide ways to control a dangerous world. …. Instead, Jesus’ message accepts one simple fact: control is an illusion. You don’t have it and you never will, and no amount of control will make you safe or eliminate your fears. So, any religious system promising you control is either delusional or dangerously deceptive. As Jesus said in his sermon, “which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his life?” …As we come to see God clearly and experience his unending goodness we discover a life-changing truth– we are perfectly safe in his hands.”

Excerpt from: What’s Wrong With Religion by Skye Jethani

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